
  • 主题:Turning waste, used cooking oil and grease trap waste to high quality biodiesel
  • 发布日期:2023/11/16
  • 商机类型:
  • 建议价格:0
  • 付款方式:
  • 数量:0
  • 产品详细说明:

    ASB Biodiesel is a green energy which is 100% repurposed by waste oil that can reduce and provide new source of energy. From waste reduction to repurposal, ASB fulfilled the whole life cycle – 4R, from reduce, recycle, reuse, repurpose and replace.

    HK now have the ability and the technology to recycle all local used cooking oil and turn into Biodiesel, a sustainable energy. To be self-sufficiency and self-contained in Hong Kong!

  • 相关网址:http://www.asb-biodiesel.com/