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Revolutionary RTLS technologies promise to generate R$10 billion in Brazil by 2024, driving Industry and Construction 5.0.
Source:CPG From:Taiwan Trade Center Do Brasil Update Time:2024/09/18

According to a recent study, Trackfy Tecnologia highlights the potential of applying life-saving technologies in industrial plants and construction sites, forecasting a turnover of R$10 billion in Brazil by 2024. These advances aim to improve safety and well-being and are fundamental to the evolution of technology.

These innovative technologies promise to solve the daily challenges faced in critical industrial sectors. By adopting new real-time location tools (RTLS), companies can implement solutions that guarantee a safer and more efficient environment, bringing great impact to the entire production chain.

These technologies save lives in industrial plants and large construction sites, providing quick decision-making in risk and accidents. “This technology is in line with the new concept of Industry 5.0 or even Construction 5.0, in which the well-being of workers is at the center of investments,” explains Túlio Cerviño, the company's CEO. According to Cerviño, the data is based on international indicators from Global Market Insights, Quupa, and Bluetooth SIG. 'Based on this information, it is estimated that the global market for real-time location systems (RTLS) has a potential of US$ 22 billion, to be reached by 2026′, he says.

Trackfy's survey applies the TAM-SAM-SOM concept. In the Total Available Market (TAM), the projection reaches R$10 billion in RTLS potential in the Brazilian market. Based on this potential, Trackfy has invested in expanding its business - the technology developed by the startup is already present in more than 20 industrial units and construction sites in three states. In a nutshell, Trackfy's solution consists of the following: signal emitters are worn on workers' helmets and badges.

Using Internet of Things (IoT) resources, data analysis, and algorithms, the technology provides managers with an online analysis of the situation in the workplace. This reduces the time it takes to evacuate areas in the event of accidents (up to 30%), saving lives. Significant chemical, agro, steel, mining, construction, and oil corporations already use Trackfy's technological solution. In addition, productivity in these operations also increases - customer case studies show an increase of up to 18%.

According to Cerviño, in addition to international indicators, particularly in Brazil, Trackfy also takes into account surveys by the federal government (Ministry of Transport and the New Industry Brazil Program), the Brazilian Infrastructure Center, the Steel Institute, Sebrae and the National Electric Energy Agency (Aneel). Investments in economic activities such as industry, ports, warehouses, and civil works would impact the demand for the RTLS market. 'The development of the RTLS market is crucial if Brazil is to achieve industry/construction 5.0 - which combines the revolution in technology with the appreciation of human beings, maximizing the work and well-being of workers,' says Cerviño.

“A solution based on data analytics, digitalization, and IoT, which aims to transform workplaces into safer and more productive environments by providing data, insights, and indicators in real-time, puts human beings at the heart of the benefits of its application since we improve both the ability of managers to act and the safety and daily lives of workers in the field,” says Cerviño. Trackfy is a 100% Brazilian company recognized as one of the most promising in industry management. Founded in 2020 in Salvador, the company has expanded its presence to São Paulo. Between 2021 and 2023, it has maintained a growth rate that doubles its turnover every year, and the projections for the end of 2024 follow the same rhythm.

Source: https://clickpetroleoegas.com.br/tecnologias-revolucionarias-rtls-prometem-movimentar-r10-bilhoes-no-brasil-em-2024-impulsionando-industria-e-construcao-5-0/