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Vietnam seeks greater access to women’s health services
Source:https://en.vietnamplus.vn/vietnam-seeks-greater-access-to-womens-health-services-post285077.vnp From:Vietnam, TAITRA Update Time:2024/05/13

More than 1,300 healthcare professionals joined a Women’s Health Summit in southern Vietnam in April to update on health matters spanning across a woman’s life.

The annual event, organized by Abbott, the global healthcare company, has the biggest turnaround since the pre-pandemic gathering in 2019, marking another milestone in the company's efforts to improve access to women's health care in Vietnam.

Awareness of the women's role in the society and their health care has been elevated in recent years in the Southeast Asian nation with one of Asia's fastest-growing economies as the government seeks ways to expand women's access to health care services. With more women joining the labor force, the health authorities have introduced more incentives to allow them to better control their health. Vietnamese female laborers last year edged up 1.2% from 2022 to 24.47 million, accounting for around a quarter of the country’s population, based on government statistics.

Given up to 90% of Vietnamese women suffer from gynecological-related diseases as per Health Ministry data, the ministry last year revised a 2013 circular to allow female laborers to get gynecological examinations and screened for cervical cancer and breast cancer during regular health check-up.

The ministry has pledged it would further focus on improving maternal and child health and reproductive health in 2024.

At the Abbott-hosted summit held on April 14 in Ho Chi Minh City, health experts discussed key issues closely related to women's health, including endometriosis, fertility support and menopause.

The event trailed a regional meeting in late March, the Asia Pacific Women’s Health Summit, to which Abbott brought together over 1,100 foreign and Vietnamese experts to discuss perspectives in obstetric and gynecological management.

The events are part of Abbott’s continuous works to share with healthcare professionals' approaches and solutions in women’s healthcare, contributing to reducing the proven health disparities.

Partnership for better care

Abbott has been partnering with global and Vietnamese organizations to help address the challenges in women’s specific health needs at every stage of their lives, such as dealing with endometriosis pain, fertility problems, or physical and emotional changes relating to menopause.

Work with key partners ranges from driving clinical trials and enhancing professional development in healthcare to providing education to improve women and family healthcare.

Abbott and Tam Anh Hospital are conducting a nationwide clinical study on assisted reproduction, the first women’s health clinical trial to be done by the hospital. The study is expected to bring about Vietnam-relevant insights towards an effective and convenient treatment alternative with positive outcomes compared to traditional therapies.

Source: https://en.vietnamplus.vn/vietnam-seeks-greater-access-to-womens-health-services-post285077.vnp