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Covid-19: AFD releases 141 million FCFA to finance medical research in Togo
Source:新聞媒體 From:Taiwan Trade Centre, Lagos Update Time:2023/12/18

The French Development Agency (AFD) has committed to providing Togo with a significant financial boost of 141 million FCFA (approximately €215,000) to aid in the fight against Covid-19. This funding is part of the “COVID-19 Santé en Commun” initiative, which was launched in early April by Paris. The initiative is supported by the project to strengthen the quality of medical biology services in West Africa (RESAOLAB +), of which Togo, along with other neighboring countries such as Benin, Niger, and Guinea, is a beneficiary.

In Togo, the project will be implemented, particularly at the CHU Campus, through a collaboration between the laboratory management of the Togolese Ministry of Health and the Mérieux Foundation. The Mérieux Foundation is renowned for its work in combating infectious diseases in developing countries.

A significant portion of the funds will be allocated towards the procurement of essential equipment, consumables, and reagents. These resources are critical for the diagnosis and monitoring of patients. Additionally, the funding will ensure the safety of medical staff by providing Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).

Moreover, the project aims to establish a platform for sharing documentation and advice for health decision-makers. This platform will serve as a vital resource for those at the forefront of the health crisis, offering guidance and information to aid in effective decision-making.

Finally, an important aspect of the project is data collection. This will involve studying the fundamental role of laboratories during the SARS-Cov-2 pandemic. By analyzing and understanding the impact and effectiveness of laboratory work during the pandemic, valuable insights can be gained. These insights will not only aid in the current fight against Covid-19 but also enhance preparedness for future health crises.

Overall, the AFD's funding to Togo underlines a commitment to international cooperation in the face of global health challenges. By supporting the enhancement of medical services and infrastructure, the initiative aims to strengthen Togo's response to the pandemic and improve health outcomes for its population.

Source: https://www.togofirst.com/fr/sante/0805-5495-covid-19-lafd-debloque-141-millions-fcfa-pour-financer-la-recherche-medicale-au-togo