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Russia launches a new brand of electric cars
Source:GT-News From:Taiwan Trade Center, Moscow Update Time:2022/10/04

The Russian automotive market has every chance to keep up with the rest of the world in terms of using modern, and more importantly, environmentally friendly "green" technologies and replenishing its fleet with domestically assembled electric vehicles.

This heavy, at first glance, burden was taken on by the Motorinvest company, which is systematically approaching the implementation of the project called Evolute. From the very beginning, the brand will be represented by five models at once, and among them will be crossovers, and sedans, and minivans - all on pure electric traction.

Evolute lineup:

• Compact crossover I-Joy (the first model to be sold);

• Sedan I-Pro (preliminary prices announced);

• Premium electric car Voyah Free Evolute SUV E;

• Crossover Seres SF5 (also offered under the brand of tech giant Huawei) I-Jеt;

• Minibus Dongfeng LingZhi EV (former Mitsubishi Delica) I-Van;

• The project was actually launched last March, when Motorinvest announced a joint agreement with the Ministry of Industry and Trade and the Government of the Lipetsk Region to produce electric vehicles under the new Evolute brand. The investment contract provides for spending at the level of 13 billion rubles over 11 years, and the first goal of the automobile plant is 242,000 produced and sold cars.

• The Chinese company Sokon Group, which is a subsidiary of the Chinese Dongfeng Motor Corporation, has also become one of Motorinvest's partners. After the publication of this information, the puzzle was formed: under the Evolute brand, it is planned to produce Dongfeng brand electric vehicles converted and adapted to Russian operating conditions, that is, the main task of the manufacturer is to ensure SKD and its maximum localization.


The leaders of Motorinvest immediately announced the simultaneous release of a sedan, a minivan and three crossovers. All of them have their Chinese donors, moreover, trial serial copies of cars already assembled at the Lipetsk Automobile Plant showed that the changes in the “twins” are minimal. More precisely, so far the cars can be distinguished only by emblems and logos, but it remains possible that the serial production will take into account any requirements for equipping “Russian” cars.

Source: https://gt-news.ru/evolute/ev-2022/