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Bulgaria will make industrial zones next to mineral deposits
Source:Sega Newspaper (Now Newspaper) From:Taiwan Trade Center, Sofia Update Time:2022/11/10

The Ministry of Economy will prepare an investment map for the reindustrialization of Bulgaria, which will be based on the raw materials mined in the country, the department announced.

The idea is to provide information on where and what kind of underground resources are mined in our country to foreign investors and to attract them to open production facilities in our country near the sources of raw materials.

Official Minister of Economy and Industry Nikola Stoyanov discussed this idea with the leadership of the Bulgarian Chamber of Mining and Geology today.

According to him, Bulgaria has large amounts of underground resources, which are currently used entirely for export, and these are lost benefits for the Bulgarian economy.

"Our country must stop being a donor of raw materials for developed economies, and therefore our goal is to attract investors using our resources as close as possible to them," said Minister Stoyanov. Thus, on the one hand, the transport costs of the companies will be reduced, and on the other hand, the added value of this industry will remain in Bulgaria.

According to the minister, the state can support the development of industrial zones near the large deposits of underground wealth by providing sufficiently attractive conditions for investments in them. If strategic investors are attracted, this will be a guarantee of economic growth and an increase in the income of the population in entire regions.

The Bulgarian Chamber of Mines and Geology will provide full assistance for the implementation of the new investment map, which will contain the possibilities for specific productions by regions in the country, determined on the basis of the existing raw materials. It will be provided to the commercial attachés in our embassies abroad, who will play a key role in promoting it to foreign businesses. It will be identified which are the key enterprises in each sector in the world, using raw materials that are mined in Bulgaria, and the investment opportunities in our country will be presented to them.

During the meeting, it was commented that we are in a historic moment when a number of European manufacturing companies are facing serious difficulties and are looking for new locations. Now is the time to actively present all Bulgaria's strengths, and for business, the state and the municipalities work in as close cooperation as possible, said the participants in the meeting.

On behalf of the Bulgarian Chamber of Mining and Geology, the Chairman of the Management Board Nikolay Valkanov and the Executive Director Ivan Mitev took part in the meeting.

Source: https://segabg.com/node/229269