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A manufacturer of luxury seats and panels for cinema halls opens a factory in Burgas
Source:Expert BG From:Taiwan Trade Center, Sofia Update Time:2022/12/04


The company "Monseat" Ltd., which produces luxury seats and acoustic wall panels for cinema halls, conference halls, sports facilities, schools, etc., is starting construction of its own base in Burgas. The project envisages the separation of a production part, warehouses for finished products and an administrative part. The property purchased by the company has an area of nearly 9,000 square meters. 

The new base will be part of the "North" Industrial Zone, or the so-called Phase 1 of the "Industrial and Logistics Park - Burgas", located by Lake Burgas.

 With the realization of the investment, which has been in preparation since 2018, about 40 jobs will be created upon final completion of the production lines.

"Monseat" Ltd. has extensive international experience in the design, manufacture and installation of various types of seats and acoustic walls. The company says that the key to their success lies in the quality and precision of the production, and the main target is the markets in Europe. One of the latest prestigious achievements of the company is related to the production of the complete seating system for the national stadium of Senegal.

Healthy desserts and pet food

Meanwhile, the Municipality of Burgas and the local parliament gave the green light for the construction of a complex, including a base for the production of healthy food desserts, a base for the production of food for pets and an adjacent logistics-warehouse base to serve them. And this investment will take place in the northern industrial zone, on a territory of 30 decares.

According to the previously stated intention, the construction and furnishing of the production complex will cost over 10 million BGN. The new jobs created are expected to be more than 100. In order to realize the investment, an interest has been expressed in purchasing two neighboring properties located in the "Sever" PZ - one owned by the Municipality of Burgas, the other by "Industrial and Logistics Park - Burgas" JSC. Four Bulgarian companies are investing over BGN 13 million in production in Burgas

Mayor Dimitar Nikolov is again calling for support from the state authorities, as the investment interest in Burgas has increased in recent years, but there is a lag in the infrastructural service of the new industrial zones of the city. They revealed the first 3 investments in the new industrial zone of Burgas

"When these new production complexes are realized, we will almost completely exhaust the possibilities of Phase 1 of the Industrial and Logistics Park - Burgas to accept new investors. There are already 35 new enterprises actually working there, and the vacant plots have run out. 7 companies have already bought plots on the territory on Phase 2 of the Industrial and Logistics Park - Burgas, located near the "Meden Rudnik" settlement. However, the necessary infrastructure is still missing for them to start building their bases and enterprises. Urgent action is needed there to let's not lose investments and new jobs!" said Mayor Dimitar Nikolov.


Source: https://www.expert.bg/business/investments/proizvoditel-na-luksozni-sedalki-i-paneli-za-kino-saloni-otkriva-zavod-v-burgas-1819036.html