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U.S. robot installations exceed pre-pandemic level
Source:Cutting Tool Engineering From:Taiwan Trade Center, Los Angeles Update Time:2022/11/25

After two years of declining robot installations, 2021 was the robotics industry’s second most successful year in the United States.  According to the World Robotics Report, there were 34,987 robot installations in 2021.  Up by 14% from the year before and surpassing the pre-pandemic record of 33,378 in 2019.  Indications are positive, with US industry Robot installations expected to grow by more than 15% in 2022 and even further in 2023.

This growth was not equal to all industries, the US automotive industry installed just 9,782 industrial robots, a 7% decline in installations from the year before.

Instead, it was the US metal and machinery industry that saw explosive growth of 3,814 installations. A 66% increase from the year before and putting the industry in second for robot demand.

Another US industry, the plastic and chemical products industry, saw an impressive 30% growth on year with 3,466 robot installations.

While the United States’ robot installations lag far behind Asia, which constitutes 74% of all new robots in 2021, the use of robotics and automation is growing at incredible speed. Marina Bill, President of the International Federation of Robotics is optimistic about the future and claims that “within six years, annual robot installations in factories around the world more than doubled”. While she admits that supply chain disruptions and local headwinds made 2021 a more difficult year than expected, she ultimately believes that 2021 showed robot installations were growing strongly.

Globally, China has seen the highest speed of robotization, with 51% of all robot installations globally taking place in the country and over 1 million robots being in operation. With Japan firmly in second, the United States will have to settle for being the third largest robot market in terms of annual installations for the foreseeable future.

Source: https://www.ctemag.com/news/industry-news/us-robot-installations-exceed-pre-pandemic-level