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Laptop sales and demand in Russia dropped significantly
Source:CNews From:Taiwan Trade Center, Moscow Update Time:2022/12/30

Sales have halved. The demand for laptops in Russia has fallen dramatically. First of all, the corporate segment began to purchase fewer devices. But consumers also began to postpone purchases for later. This is caused both by the depletion of the assortment and the fleet of devices that cannot meet the needs of customers, and some increase in prices for laptops.

Fewer laptops

Laptop sales in the third quarter of 2022 in Russia collapsed by 55% compared to the same period in 2021.

In total, 544 thousand devices were sold (843.2 thousand in 2021), Kommersant writes, citing a source in one of the Russian retailers.

In all three quarters of 2022, sales sank by 32%, retailers calculated. During this period, 2.1 million devices were sold in the country, Marvel Distribution told the publication. This result reflects the situation in the corporate and retail segments. If we consider them separately, it is in the corporate segment that sales fell the most (by 47%). The drop in retail was only 18% in the first nine months of 2022. 

What is the reason?

This result is explained by difficulties in the procurement of the corporate sector. According to Anton Fomin, a business analyst, when purchasing, companies set technical requirements for devices higher than those that laptops left in the drains can meet.

Russians are buying fewer laptops 

In the retail segment, according to Fomin, customers postpone purchases indefinitely. This may be caused by a shortage of the fleet of devices and a jump in prices for them. For example, at the beginning of 2022, the average price of a laptop was 61.3 thousand rubles. But in March, after just a month, prices rose to 79.5 thousand rubles. At the same time, the average check for a laptop among Russians in September amounted to 55.6 thousand rubles (2.5% higher than in September 2021). 

Stocks are being depleted

Citylink told Kommersant that due to the withdrawal of premium laptop brands from the Russian market, a shortage has formed, which will continue until the end of 2022. At the same time, there were almost no new purchases of laptops by retailers in the second quarter, says Grigory Dubrovsky, partner and head of the group to work with telecommunications, media, and technology companies of the DRT. According to him, the networks are selling off the leftovers.

He also confirms the above statistics: the drop is caused by both reduced stocks of devices and an increase in prices for certain models. According to the expert, by the end of 2022, large batches of Russian laptops will arrive on the market and at the same time, foreign supplies will increase. 

The trend continues

The trend of falling demand in Russia remains. So, in the first half of 2022, sales of PCs and laptops in the country sank by more than 20%. The events that took place in the country after February 24, 2022, entailed not only the outflow of the population abroad and the relocation of male Russians to the locations of military units. In Russia, computers and other equipment have risen rapidly in price, and the departure of many foreign market players is gradually leading to a shortage of it.

But there is another factor that could affect the decline in sales of ready-to-use computers. Representatives of Ozon told CNews that in Russia there has been an increase in consumer interest in buying individual components with subsequent self-assembly of system units from them. This approach solves two issues at once — firstly, it allows you to assemble a PC from the "hardware" that is really required, and not what the manufacturer provided, and secondly, it allows you not to overpay for the brand.

Source: https://www.cnews.ru/news/top/2022-11-03_rossiyane_perestali_pokupat