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Holiday expenses to be lower in Poland: survey
Source:rp.pl From:Taiwan Trade Center, Warsaw Update Time:2022/12/16

Christmas may not be as merry for a lot of Polish people this year, as expenditures, including both grocery shopping and gifts, are expected to drop in comparison with those in 2021 due to the strong inflation, according to recent surveys.

Poland's inflation skyrocketed in November to 17.4 percent, with food and beverage prices surging 22.3 percent year-on-year.

The average Polish family will spend slightly more than PLN1,255 (about USD282) on Christmas shopping this year, 3.3 percent less than the previous year, the IBRIS research institute said, adding that most of the expenses this year, over PLN750, will be spent on gifts. Over 36 percent of the respondents declare that they will buy them online, and 17 percent will choose a specific store, but not a hyper- or supermarket nor a discount store.

The products that will dominate among the gift choices are: cosmetics (approx. 36 percent of the responses), clothes (with an increase of 11 percentage points) and sweets (with a 7-percentage-point increase). Books and toys, on the other hand, recorded a decline in popularity. It is worth noting one more serious increase in interest, which concerns electronic equipment, from 1 percent in 2021 to almost 12 percent in 2022.

Another survey conducted by UCE Research and BLIX Group even found out that 81 percent of Poles intend to reduce spending on Christmas grocery shopping, a huge increase from some 45 percent of respondents that indicated such intentions last year. This year, only 11 percent of Poles are not going to save on Christmas food.

Nearly every third respondent plans to spend between PLN101 and PLN200 per person on grocery shopping. Ten percent of the respondents declare expenditures between PLN301 and PLN400, with seven percent between PLN401 and PLN500, and another six percent planning to spend over PLN500.

Source: https://www.rp.pl/handel/art37576781-swiateczne-wydatki-beda-mniejsze-ale-tylko-nieznacznie

