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Sales of used cars in Russia began to grow at the beginning of 2023
Source:Vedomosti From:Taiwan Trade Center, Moscow Update Time:2023/04/04

With a low supply of new cars, the segment of used equipment will grow

Sales of used passenger cars in Russia in January – February 2023 increased by 16% compared to the same period last year. A total of 868,257 cars were sold, it follows from the data of Autostat info (Vedomosti has it) based on the statistics of vehicle re-registrations.

As follows from these data, the dynamics of sales growth of used foreign cars for two months almost 2 times exceeded the dynamics of Russian brands. In total, 634,485 foreign cars (+18%) and 233,772 (+10%) Russian cars with mileage were sold in Russia in January – February.

But almost a quarter of the secondary market in the first two months of 2023 was occupied by Lada with the result of 202,545 cars sold (an increase of 10% year-on-year). In 2nd place - Toyota (94,564 cars, +11%), in 3rd – Kia (51,213, +26%), in 4th – Hyundai (45,078, +26%). Closes the top five used leaders of Nissan, whose sales increased by 8% to 42,611 cars.

In February, the growth in sales of used cars amounted to the same 16% in annual terms – 453,607 units. Of these, 122,577 (+9%) accounted for domestic brands and 331,030 (+18%) – for foreign cars, according to the report. Lada was also the leader last month (106,048, +10%), Toyota was in 2nd place (48,909, +14%).

By the end of 2022, the market of passenger cars with mileage showed a decrease of 19% to 4.86 million units, follows from the data of Autostat. According to the agency's statistics, sales in the secondary segment have been falling all year. The decline peaks in April (-36%), May (-30%) and June (-32%).

Sales of new passenger cars in Russia in February fell by 62%

From spring statistics will get better due to a low base and production growth

Sales of new passenger cars against the background of anti-Russian sanctions, problems with the supply of components and the cessation of production of equipment by Western, Korean and Japanese brands in Russia last year fell three times more – by 59% to 626,300 units of equipment. Such data was provided by Autostat in early 2023 with reference to statistics on the issuance of electronic PTS.

At the same time, new passenger cars over the past year have risen in price by an average of 17% to 2.33 million rubles. (weighted average), while used – immediately by 32% to 890,000 rubles.

Indeed, we see increased customer interest and demand for used cars: in two months of this year, Rolf sales increased by 16% compared to the same period in 2022," says Irina Tsygankova, director of the company's used car sales division. She expects Rolf's sales in the secondary segment to grow by 40% in 2023, and the entire market will be from 5 million to 6 million units of equipment.

Traffic in the direction of used cars in January – February increased by 10-12%, said the head of the profile direction of "Avtomir" Yuri Savichev. He attributes this mainly to the stabilization of prices in the secondary segment. "In 2023, I predict stable demand without a sharp increase, provided that the exchange rate remains in the corridor of 75-80 rubles/ $. By the end of 2023, I expect the growth of the used cars market at the level of 20-30% compared to last year," Savichev told Vedomosti.

Sergey Udalov, Executive Director of Autostat, calls the low base of last year one of the reasons for the growth of the secondary market this year. Then, according to him, there was still a shortage of quality supply for used cars in Russia. The analyst calls the second reason a change in the structure of the used car market. "This year there is a large import of used cars from other countries, and they compete with new cars, where the supply, for example, in the segment from 1 million to 2 million rubles is practically absent," Udalov says.

According to him, due to the increase in the supply in the secondary segment, inexpensive options began to appear, while the potential buyer's choice for new equipment is extremely small – it's either Lada or Chinese brands. If the current macroeconomic and regulatory conditions are maintained, the market of passenger cars with mileage in 2023 may grow within 5%, Udalov believes.

The dynamics in the secondary market in 2023 will be moderately negative, there is a probability of a 5-10% decrease in sales by the results of 2022, auto expert Vladimir Bespalov is skeptical. Now there is a shortage of supply for new cars and therefore people are still looking for cars on the secondary market, he explains. But in the coming months, the situation will begin to change: the supply in the primary segment will gradually normalize due to the launch of new projects, Bespalov notes.

According to the calculations of Vedomosti, about 520,000 cars will be assembled at the facilities of Russian enterprises in 2023, excluding Haval in the Tula region and UAZ. In 2022, UAZ produced 15,000 passenger cars, and Haval – 33,800, it follows from the data of Autostat. In 2022, the total volume of passenger car production in Russia amounted to 450,000 (-67% by 2021), follows from Rosstat data.

Source: https://www.vedomosti.ru/auto/articles/2023/03/10/965887-v-rossii-nachali-rasti-prodazhi-mashin-s-probegom?utm_campaign=newspaper_10_3_2023&utm_medium=email&utm_source=vedomosti