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Bulgarian Ministry of Innovation will collaborate with the IMEC research center in chip development
Source:24 Hours Newspaper From:Taiwan Trade Center, Sofia Update Time:2023/04/26

The Minister of Innovation and Growth Alexander Pulev and the President and CEO of the world's leading research and innovation center IMEC, Luc van den Hove, signed a cooperation document.

The document marks the beginning of cooperation between the two countries in research and innovation in the field of microelectronics, and in particular in the design, technology and application of integrated circuits (chips).

Integrated circuits are applied and will be applied in an increasingly wide range of industries - information technology, communications, automotive, mechanical engineering, aerospace, agriculture, medicine, consumer electronics and thus become the building block of "smart" functionality in digital transformation. The two sides are committed to supporting long-term and sustainable cooperation and joint activities at the European level in connection with the implementation of the future Integrated Circuits Regulation.

Bulgaria has extensive expertise in areas such as automotive microprocessors, sensors, the Internet of Things, biological and life sciences, as well as strong university traditions in engineering and natural sciences. The Microelectronics sector is high value added while requiring very intensive research and capital resources.

For this reason, the Ministry of Innovation and Growth has identified opportunities for the development of the microelectronics sector in Bulgaria by promoting the joint work of representatives of Bulgarian universities and business with IMEC's next-level pilot infrastructure, for example through a targeted microelectronics competence center located in Bulgaria. On the Bulgarian side, key interested parties for the implementation of the cooperation have been identified, such as Technical University-Sofia, National Center for Mechatronics and Clean Technologies; Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Center for Excellence in Mechatronics and Clean Technologies; Institute of Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence and Technology, INSAIT; Microelectronics and Industrial Electronic Systems Cluster, Sofia Tech Park, Artificial Intelligence Cluster, etc.

The Interuniversity Microelectronics Center IMEC is a world-leading center for research and innovation in the field of nanoelectronics and digital technologies. The organization leverages its state-of-the-art R&D infrastructure and team of over 5,000 employees and top R&D researchers in advanced integrated circuits and systems scaling, silicon photonics, artificial intelligence, communications beyond 5G and sensor technologies as well as in application areas such as healthcare and life sciences, mobility, industry 4.0, agri-food industry, smart cities, sustainable energy, education. IMEC brings together world leaders in the semiconductor value chain, based in Flanders and international technology, pharmaceutical, medical and ICT companies, start-ups as well as academia and knowledge centres. IMEC is headquartered in Leuven (Belgium) and has research sites in Belgium, the Netherlands, Taiwan and the USA, as well as offices in China, India and Japan.

Source: https://www.24chasa.bg/biznes/article/13988572