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A Chinese company is opening a factory in Romania where it will produce auto parts for Volkswagen
Source:romania.postsen From:Taiwan Trade Center, Bucharest Update Time:2023/05/14

A Chinese company (Chinese group Kunshan Huguang Automotive Electric, through its Germany-registered subsidiary KSHG Auto Harness GmbH) will open a production line for auto parts and components in a technology park in Băcia commune, near the city of Simeria, the investment will generate approximately 400 jobs, the Hunedoara County Council (CJ) announced on Wednesday.

A delegation made up of the representatives of the Chinese company KSHG Auto Harness GmbH, those of a Chinese bank, of the technological park CT Park II Deva and of the Băcia City Hall was received on Wednesday by the president of CJ Hunedoara, Laurenţiu Nistor.

“I was informed about the intentions of the Chinese company to open as soon as possible, in Băcia, a production line that will provide auto parts and components for the Volkswagen Group. It is the first time in the last six years that the German car manufacturer is interested in co-opting a new supplier. The investment of the Chinese company from Băcia, which will become functional within CT Park II, will ensure approximately 400 jobs in the first stage of operation”, said Laurentiu Nistor, quoted in the press release sent by CJ Hunedoara.

According to him, Hunedoara county is attractive for foreign investors due to the available workforce, transport infrastructure and geographical positioning.

“There are advantages that, if those interested take into account, the number of those who will invest in opening new production units will increase. The development of the road and utilities infrastructure, along with the adaptation of the study programs in accordance with the demand on the labor market, will contribute to increasing the level of attractiveness of Hunedoara county for new investments”, said the president of CJ Hunedoara.

Source: https://romania.postsen.com/