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Economic zone "Dobroslavtsi" will be the largest in Bulgaria
Source:Economy BG From:Taiwan Trade Center, Sofia Update Time:2023/05/22

We are negotiating with large strategic investors with billion capitalizations, who have the potential to create between 1,000 and 3,000 jobs in our country. We follow global best practices. We will set up a new company "under the umbrella" of the "National Company Industrial Zones" to manage the new economic zone "Dobroslavtsi". Its focus will be on the automotive and related industries, because it is the fastest growing segment of our economy, contributing 11% of GDP. This was said in Nova's studio by the Bulgarian Minister of Innovation and Growth Alexander Pulev.

"We are literally on the final right to attract such a large investor who will create more than 1,000 new jobs with his production in our country. A lot of people ask me why we haven't had strategic investors in the production until now and why capitals are passing us by. The answer is clear – the lack of infrastructure, a clear vision to attract key global investors and a coordinated proactive approach of the state. Now, however, we have perfect coordination between all institutions - the president, prime minister, ministers, local government and the Capital Municipality, and this made it possible to separate the "Dobroslavtsi" economic zone, Pulev said categorically.

According to him, each of these potential investors, with whom the state is currently in dialogue, would increase Bulgaria's GDP by 5%. 

According to him, the "Dobroslavtsi" zone will be unique in size - 290 hectares, which the minister compared to the size of about 200 football fields. "15 km from the heart of Sofia, close to the workforce, we will build a quality supply and internal infrastructure, according to the leading world standards," he pointed out.

Pulev also said that the prospect of building the zone is between 12 and 24 months and defined the decision to separate it as a decisive and decisive step and an irreversible process. 

The minister commented that in a compartmentalized Council of Ministers, such as the previous one, this decision would not have been possible, and in the conditions of an official cabinet, an excellent synchronization was achieved between the presidential institution, the ministers and the structures below them. "In us, investors see a reliable partner with a new approach and professionalism. We are showing a proactive position," Pulev also said and pointed out that investors of this rank value the coordinated method of work and security they are currently experiencing, rather than the negative rhetoric and lack of coordination between administrations they encountered during the previous administration.

When asked about investments in the country, Pulev replied that statistics clearly show that Bulgaria has already compensated for the drop in foreign direct investment and is reaching pre-Covid levels. "The next step is to attract new large investors in production. Every week I also talk to our entrepreneurs. They are developing, they are already aggressively entering foreign markets and are striving to become regional champions," the minister also pointed out.

Source: https://www.economy.bg/economy/view/54587/Ikonomicheska-zona-Dobroslavci%E2%80%9C-shte-e-naj-golyamata-u-nas