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Due to the departure of foreign brands sales of household appliances and electronic fell
Source:Vedomosti From:Taiwan Trade Center, Moscow Update Time:2023/06/11

The share of American, Japanese and Korean companies is gradually occupied by Chinese players and local manufacturers.

The total volume of sales of household appliances and electronics in Russia at the end of 2022 amounted to 2.2 trillion rubles, the analytical company Infoline calculated. According to its data, compared to the year before last, this market decreased by 15.4%.

Infoline CEO Ivan Fedyakov recalls that many large companies (mainly American, Japanese and Korean) have decided to leave the country, including Samsung, LG, Apple, Asus, Hewlett-Packard, Panasonic, Sony. Other large manufacturers (Huawei, Xiaomi, Lenovo) have limited their trade relations with Russia, the expert adds.

According to Infoline, to solve the problem, many Russian companies began to bring their own brands to the market. For example, M.video-Eldorado launched sales of household appliances and electronics under the Novex and Hi brands, and Ozon under the Hartens brand. In addition, according to the analytical portal Kholodilnik.ru, the positions of the departed Western companies are gradually being occupied by Chinese and Turkish players, as well as manufacturers from Russia and the CIS countries. According to the commercial director of this resource, Alexei Pogudalov, for example, in the TV category, Korean brands Samsung and LG, which occupied 62% of the market, reduced sales by almost 3 times last year. While the Chinese companies Haier, Hisense, Xiaomi and TCL, on the contrary, this figure increased 3 times - from 12.1 to 35.9%. He did not give absolute numbers.

The situation is similar in the category of smartphones. Here, sales of the same Samsung, according to Pogudalov, decreased by 40%, and the share fell to 17.6%. The expert also notes that this is one of the few companies that have retained a full-fledged representation in Russia, while other brands work in our market through distributors. At the same time, according to the Mobile Research Group, the Chinese Xiaomi, Realme and Tecno are the leaders in sales this year.

Mobile Research Group Leading Analyst Eldar Murtazin says that smartphone manufacturers from this country continue to work with us directly and they have various programs to attract customers (installments, loans, trade-in, etc.). Equipment from Western companies (Samsung and Apple) is supplied in parallel import mode, which means that these brands do not have technical support, warranty and promotion.

Demand for smartphones from China in quantitative terms increased by 42% compared to last year, and their total share was more than 70%, says a representative of M.video-Eldorado. He also adds that the average check for this category in Russia is now 22,000 rubles, which is 23% less than a year earlier.

With regard to large household appliances (refrigerators and washing machines), here, thanks to the departure of companies from unfriendly countries, Chinese brands had the most active growth, Pogudalov notes. According to him, for example, Haier's sales increased by more than 50%, and the share of this company in this segment is almost 25%. The situation is similar with Turkish manufacturers. According to Pogudalov, sales of Beko, Midea, Gorenje have increased by about 6 times over the past year. He also notes that the share of Samsung, Bosch, Electrolux, LG and Miele who left Russia in the refrigerator market has decreased from 50 to 13.5%. These same companies occupied a leading position in the segment of washing machines, now they "have actually disappeared from the field of view of consumers," adds Pogudalov.

Sales volume of the leader of household equipment and electronics the company DNS in 2022 according to the data of Infoline was 601 billion rubles. At the second place stays the company M.Video-Eldorado with 402,5 billion rubles. OZON moved to the 3rd place with revenue of 161,4billion rubles. Total revenue of 10 biggest players at this market in 2022 was 1,72 trillion ruble,  1,7% bigger than in 2021.  

The representative of M.video-Eldorado noted that interest in trademarks from Russia, Belarus and Uzbekistan is now growing. For example, the Russian "Biryusa" and the Belarusian "Atlant" are already among the leaders in the sale of refrigerators, he said. In this category, local brands now account for more than 20% of unit sales, says a retailer spokesperson.

Source: https://www.vedomosti.ru/business/articles/2023/05/10/974305-iz-za-uhoda-zarubezhnih-brendov-prodazhi-bitovoi-tehniki-upali?utm_campaign=newspaper_10_5_2023&utm_medium=email&utm_source=vedomosti