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New ban on single-use plastics in Polish market
Source:“Koniec plastikowych jednorazówek” [„The end of single-use plastics”], Rzeczpospolita 119/24.05.2023 From:Taiwan Trade Center, Warsaw Update Time:2023/06/27

Beginning from Wednesday 24 May, 2023, it is forbidden to introduce new plastic plates or cutlery to the Polish market. The plastic cotton buds, straws, drink stirrers, balloon sticks, polystyrene food containers and non-recyclable packaging products are also prohibited. Only using the already established stock is allowed. It’s all related to the Act from 14 April 2023 amending the Act on the Obligations of Entrepreneurs in the Management of Certain Wastes and on the Product Fee and Certain Other Acts. 

Some additional regulations, including the one requiring fee for single-use packaging, will take effect on January 1st, 2024. The seller will add PLN 0.20 (USD 0.05) to the beverage price (or to the purchase, clearly marked on the bill). This rule concerns all plastic cups, including thin ones with capacity of 200 ml. The fee of PLN 0.25 (USD 0.06) will be charged on plastic packaging for ready-to-eat food that does not need to be processed, or for food that is usually eaten directly from the container. Fees are to be collected by shops, catering establishments, as well as the vending machines. 

The financial penalty for not charging the fee will amount from PLN 500 (USD 120) up to PLN 20,000 (USD 4766). Consumers Federation claims that new regulations may help introduce new habits and encourage consumers to bring their own packaging.

From 2024 onwards the entrepreneur will be required to pay the fee for introducing the single-use plastic packaging products (or such that contain some amount of plastic). The fee will be used for collecting waste from public system. The goal is to introduce the mechanism of responsibility of entrepreneur for the waste their product generates (such as plastic wrapping or plastic bottles up to 3 litres).

Source: https://www.rmf24.pl/fakty/polska/news-od-przyszlego-roku-zaplacimy-za-jednorazowe-opakowania-spozy,nId,6770920#crp_state=1