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Deliveries of foreign electronics to Russia began to be blocked in a new way
Source:Lenta.ru From:Taiwan Trade Center, Moscow Update Time:2023/07/14
Armenia, Kazakhstan and Hong Kong began to block payment for electronics deliveries to the Russian Federation.
Russian importers have started to face new problems in the supply of servers, chips, processors, telecom equipment and other electronics under the parallel import scheme. In the last two weeks, banks in Armenia, Kazakhstan and Hong Kong increasingly block attempts to pay for the relevant codes of the commodity nomenclature.

The reason for this behavior of financial institutions was the tenth US sanctions package, under which banks that allow Russian companies to circumvent the restrictions may be hit.

Interlocutor of the publication, close to the government, noted that it has also become difficult to make transfers for the supply of telecommunications equipment of the latest generation, data storage systems and servers. The Central Bank, commenting on this information, noted that the procedures for verifying payments to foreign banks vary from one period to another and depend on their domestic policies.
Vitaly Mankevich, head of the Russian-Asian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, says that the partners from Hong Kong describe the situation as difficult. At the same time, another source noted that, so far, not all Armenian and Hong Kong banks have blocked payments, and that importers have also begun to use other schemes for making payments.
Director General of the logistics company «Optimalog» Giorgi Vlastopoulo noted that Kazakh banks are also tightening control over transactions, deliveries of products through third countries are becoming more difficult. It is not unlikely that  with current trends, the country will face a shortage of sanctioned goods in six months.
A month ago, Vlastopoulo said that Kazakhstan tightened control over the supply of foreign brands to Russia. The head of the association «Cargo Truck Transport» Vladimir Matyagin noted that freight carriers have become much more difficult to supply products on parallel import through Kazakhstan, because of which transport has to choose routes through China, Iran, Georgia, Azerbaijan and Armenia.

Source: https://lenta.ru/news/2023/06/07/slozhno/