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Yandex and Taiwan open a plant of modern servers in Ryazan
Source:Business Quarter From:Taiwan Trade Center, Moscow Update Time:2023/07/17
Russian servers of Taiwanese production will soon be produced in Ryazan, «Yandex» is already recruiting the first employees and hopes that it will enter the register of the Ministry of Industry and Trade for participation in public procurement.
«Yandex», GK «Lanit» and Taiwanese Gigabyte have completed the construction of the plant for the production of computer equipment in Ryazan, which began in 2021, Kommersant reports. Now «Yandex», «Lanit», VTB and Taiwanese electronics manufacturer Gigabyte are looking for specialists to work in Ryazan, in particular, engineer-technologist of radio electronics. The «Yandex» itself clarified that the production has not yet started, and the company «has never been the controlling person OpenYard».

According to «SPARK-Interfax» data, OpenYard trademark belongs to LLC «Open Development Center», which is 50% owned by LLC «Yandex» and 50% by LLC «Lanit Venture». In 2022, the revenue of LLC «Open Development Center» amounted to 124 million rubles. net loss - 23 million rubles. According to the official OpenYard site, the production of servers began in 2021 at Asian capacity, and the opening of its own enterprise is scheduled for 2023. The company is expected to open in 2023.
On April 13, representatives of the company participated in the conference of the Treolan distributor (part of Lanit Group), where the OpenYard line was presented. The company intends to enter the equipment into the register of the Ministry of Industry and Trade in order to participate in public procurement. The Ministry of Industry and Trade only noted that Yandex, as a private company, “can independently choose whose technical solutions to use.” “When submitting an application for confirmation of production, we will assess the compliance of the declared products with the requirements of the law,” the ministry stressed.
An interlocutor of the publication from the electronics industry believes that OpenYard equipment will be included in the Ministry of Industry register, despite its manufacture from foreign components, “everyone is doing this now, but Yandex really attracted its own developers to create servers.” According to him, "Yandex" will produce motherboards and SKD servers, which will allow you to score the required number of points to enter the register of the Ministry of Industry and Trade.
At the moment, more than half of sales among manufacturers of electronics and servers in Russia come from foreign manufacturers - Huawei, HP, Dell, etc. Among Russian vendors in the first place Yadro (about 15%), on the second - «Aquarius» (10%), on the third - Kraftway (7%).
According to Ivan Pokrovsky, Executive Director of the Association of Electronics Developers and Manufacturers, the main motivation of «Yandex» is the production of equipment for itself, and the supply of servers to the Ministry of Industry and Trade is of secondary importance. At the same time, Chief Executive Director of F+ tech Mikhail Volkov assesses the Russian server market at 80 billion rubles per year. The need for domestic products is still acute. The appearance of another player will spur competition, which will have a positive impact on the market and product quality», - said the expert.

Source: https://www.dk.ru/news/237183484