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Spending by Russians on the purchase of electric scooters and unicycles decreased by 10-20% over the year
Source:Vedomosti From:Taiwan Trade Center, Moscow Update Time:2023/07/18

The average check for the purchase of electric scooters in April-May (these months account for the peak of sales of such goods) this year amounted to 13,490 rubles, according to the analytical resource "Check Index" of the OFD Platform company (the country's largest operator of fiscal data). This is 13% less than it was in the same period in 2022. The same situation is with unicycles. Its average cost for the year decreased by 20% to 57,870 rubles.

Shoppers are opting for cheaper vehicles this year, says a spokesperson for Moneyplace, which tracks sales of the largest marketplaces. According to him, sellers could reduce prices to stimulate the sale of goods. According to this service, on Wildberries the turnover of the category in monetary terms (54 million rubles) decreased by about 11% in April-May compared to last year, and on Ozon, they sold 2.3 times more in units, but the total amount of purchases increased less - 1.9 times (up to 132 million rubles). The range of electric scooters and unicycles has really expanded, including more affordable options, confirms a representative of the Index Check. He adds that the choice of the buyer in favor of more budget options was reflected in the decrease in the average purchase check. 

At the same time, sales of electric scooters are growing, at least online. In January-May 2023, Wildberries' sales volume in this category increased by 170% year-on-year, a service representative says. According to Sbermegamarket analysts, from January to June, the number of electric scooters sold increased by 1.7 times, and electric scooters - by 67%. They did not provide data on average checks. In general, analysts of F+ tech-Marvel Group of Companies see an increase in sales by 80% in physical terms in this segment: in January-May 2023, 90,286 units were sold. (by 2.2 billion rubles) against 50,304 units. (1.1 billion rubles) in the first five months of last year, says its business analyst Artur Makhlayuk. The top 3 most popular brands this year were Kugoo (23.6%), Ninebot (16.6%) and Hiper (11.2%).

In traditional stores, the situation is different. Thus, the volume of sales of electric scooters in them has significantly decreased compared to last year, an interlocutor in one of the networks of equipment and electronics told Vedomosti. Offline sales of such products are declining, as the target audience buys them mainly online, says Mikhail Burmistrov, CEO of Infoline Analytics. The purchase of electric scooters is more typical for users of marketplaces, where they are purchased mainly by young people, a Moneyplace representative agrees. In addition, according to him, there is also more choice of models.

If ordinary scooters can still become a spontaneous offline purchase due to availability and cheapness, then before purchasing an electric scooter, the buyer will study the model and reviews and after that order the product on the marketplace, Moneyplace explains.

When there is such an influential player on the market as Yandex, using the full power of its ecosystem, the fashion for scooters becomes expected and predictable, says Alexander Monakhov, director of content and marketing at TexTerra. According to him, all this forms an offer on marketplaces, so in this case, sales growth there is natural. Burmistrov believes that this trend will continue, while retail demand will gradually decrease as online supply expands and competition intensifies in the kicksharing market, and in online stores where they can be ordered, including with delivery from abroad, sales of electric scooters will continue to grow, he predicts.

Source: https://www.vedomosti.ru/business/articles/2023/06/26/982242-trati-rossiyan-na-pokupku-elektrosamokatov-i-monokoles-snizilis?utm_campaign=newspaper_26_6_2023&utm_medium=email&utm_source=vedomosti