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In Russia the demand for electric transport is growing
Source:rbc.ru From:Taiwan Trade Center, Moscow Update Time:2023/07/28
The demand for electric transport is growing. However, a complete switch to alternative fuels requires a transformation of the industry. We tell what is happening in the market and what barriers the consumer faces

About the expert: Anton Skibin, Director of the Cluster of Energy Efficient Technologies of the Fund «Skolkovo».
Trend towards sustainable transport

In the era of global decarbonization (transition to low-carbon development), major countries, including Russia, are seeking to contribute to environmental protection and improve the quality of life in cities. Thus, in February 2023, at a session on electric transport, government representatives discussed the current situation of the development of the market and charging infrastructure. According to the strategic initiative, in 2023, special attention will be paid to the growth of demand and the growth of output utilization. The plans are to increase the output of electric transport by nine times and to reach in 2024 the figure of 36 thousand units per year, which is more than envisaged in the concept.
To support the industry, from 2023 to 2025, the government will provide ten Russian regions with subsidies in the amount of 86.5 billion rubles. for the development of urban electric transport and the improvement of adjacent territories. Incentives are also provided for buyers: the inclusion of electric vehicles in the preferential leasing program, exemption from transport tax, free travel on toll roads, and so on.
In the first quarter of 2023, sales of new electric cars in Russia increased by 95% compared to the same period in 2022. The government plans to prepare the basis for mass production by 2024: to increase technological competence, bring new products to the market and create the necessary infrastructure. It is planned to produce at least 25 thousand. electric cars per year and to create 9.4 thousand. charging stations. According to the Concept for the Development of Electric Transport in Russia, by 2025-2030 the production of this type of car should reach 10% of the total production of vehicles in the country. To that end, the Government would provide manufacturers of electric vehicles and batteries with subsidies and special investment contracts.
Today, pilot batches of electric vehicles appear on the domestic market. Despite the fact that their commercial use is still limited, they are of interest to the audience. So, every third Russian would choose an electric car as the next car. First of all, because it is environmentally friendly, secondly, because of rising gasoline prices, and thirdly, it is more profitable to maintain and operate. However, the release of a fully localized domestic electric vehicle is possible only if the appropriate infrastructure is created.
Despite government support, consumers are not fully confident in the prospects for electric transport, and there are reasons for this. The first question is how many kilometers the car will travel on electric traction without recharging. This is especially true for companies that use commercial electric vehicles to deliver goods.
The second question is how long the battery will last. For example, some domestic enterprises have been massively switching to lithium batteries for ten years already. When operating electric vehicles in a warehouse, the issue of recharging is not felt as acute as battery life. In addition, there are other barriers: an overload of power grids, a shortage of minerals and a sharp increase in the cost of metals for the production of batteries.
Today, Russia produces about 10% of the world’s nickel, 43% of the palladium used for automotive catalytic converters, and 6% of the aluminum used to reduce the weight of electric cars. After the suspension of supplies to Russia of lithium, necessary for the creation of lithium-ion batteries, the state corporation «Rosatom» and mining and metallurgical company «Nornikel» are preparing for development of a promising field in Murmansk region.
Innovative developments for electric transport
In addition to the usual stationary charging on the market can soon appear and wireless: in February, the first such invention in Russia was presented by employees of the New Physical Equipment University ITMO and their partner - manufacturer «Yablochkov», resident of the fund «Skolkovo». Charging resembles two compact boxes, between which a magnetic field is formed. In the near future, researchers plan to increase the capacity of the station, which will allow charging electric buses or stand-alone loaders for 30 minutes.
Another innovation is a system to protect and prevent the fire of batteries. In the case of accidents or extreme climatic conditions, lithium-ion and other batteries are at risk of ignition. This problem was solved today by several domestic companies: «Fire extinguishing systems», Skolkovo «BatteryLAB» and others.
In Russia, the development of electric transport for various purposes is also underway. Thus, Electric Vehicles Manufacturing Rus announced the opening of pre-orders for EVM PRO. The electric truck is supplied in three modifications: manufactured goods van, euro van and isothermal van. The technical characteristics of the transport include a Russian power plant, on-board electronics and proprietary software. Also, Skolkovo has created a new traction motor designed for large agricultural machinery, ATVs and loaders. The new motor is also suitable for small utility vehicles. The development has already successfully passed the tests and will go to the "field" work in the real operation.

The future that awaits us
Of course, interest in electric cars and trucks is growing. Electric public transport appears on the streets of large cities. However, it is still difficult to talk about high demand in the business sector, because it directly depends on the price. As long as Russian developments are at the stage of testing and pre-order, and not mass production, their cost will be high. However, over time, electric cars and their components will come on the market at a reasonable price.
Another important point is infrastructure. Today, only those Russians who live in large cities where there are a sufficient number of charging stations can afford an electric car. According to international tests, the average range of now popular versions of electric vehicles is from 200 km. Therefore, ideally, stations should be located at approximately the same distance from each other on all highways and roads of federal and regional significance. In addition, the charges must be high-speed to fill the battery up to 90% in 20 minutes. To develop suitable infrastructure, the government is already subsidizing the cost of purchasing and installing fast charging stations. In 2022 alone, 1.37 billion rubles were allocated for these purposes.

Source: https://trends.rbc.ru/trends/industry/64a50fe69a79476c590db326