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Source:rg.ru From:Taiwan Trade Center, Moscow Update Time:2023/07/29

According to the Big Data Analysis System iFORA of the HSE Institute for Statistical Research and Economics of Knowledge, the entire portfolio of basic AI technologies and products existing in the world is represented in Russia today. Russia is also in the top 20 countries in the field of artificial intelligence research with a share of 2.4%. The growth rate of the number of scientific publications is comparable to the world, but the number of Russian patent applications is growing slower than the world average.

At the Data-Fusion artificial intelligence conference in Moscow, Konstantin Vishnevsky, Director of the Center for Digital Economy Research at ISSEK HSE, noted that today more than 60% of Russian enterprises and organizations spend less than 1% of their total digitalization costs on AI products. Most of these companies are small and medium businesses. According to experts, a feature of the Russian AI industry is that research, competencies, development of solutions and their implementation in workflows are concentrated in large businesses, where the share of companies using AI approaches 50%. Vishnevsky believes that one of the trends in the development of AI in Russia will be its democratization, both in the field of accessibility and in the field of competencies.

This means that AI solutions will become cheaper and available to small and medium-sized businesses, and the spread of Low-code and No-code products will allow companies that do not have specialists to work with neural networks and machine learning. use artificial intelligence. The development of AI products in other countries is moving in a similar direction.

Another common trend for Russia and the world is increasing confidence in AI.

By actively using AI services, users gradually get rid of the fear of AI and begin to perceive products such as ChatGPT, Midjourney, Masterroom or Kandinsky as useful tools or entertainment services. This is happening despite the emergence of high-profile initiatives calling for limiting the speed of AI development. The most famous of them was an open letter from the non-profit organization Future of Life Institute, which was signed by well-known entrepreneur Elon Musk, Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak, AI experts Steven Russell and Joshua Bengio and a number of other influential leaders Arseniy Gruzdev, Head of Data Science Practice at Trust Technologies. noted that the results of the analysis of publications of 70 leading media show that if in 2022 in 56% of professional publications about AI a neutral tone prevailed, 7% negative and 37% positive, then in 2023 the majority of publications (54%) are already positive, 10% is negative and 36% is neutral.

Despite the outflow of foreign software, vendors and specialists, the growth of the Russian AI industry in 2022 amounted to about 20%, and in 2023 the volume of this market may exceed $500 million. At the same time, despite a noticeable increase in government investment, Russia lags far behind the United States and China in terms of total funding for research and development of AI. According to Igor Pivovarov, chief analyst at the MIPT AI Center, the latest comparison of Russian and Chinese investment in AI showed a difference of 350 times.

Since, for objective reasons, Russian investments in AI research cannot be compared with Chinese ones, experts note that it is important to increase their efficiency, and the state should encourage large businesses with competencies and financial resources to invest more in the development of artificial intelligence technologies. This approach will qualitatively improve the return on investment.

Today, the main investor in AI research in Russia is the state. The share of business is 30%, which is significantly lower than business activity in the countries of industry leaders. So, in Germany, business finances 60% of investments in research and development of artificial intelligence, in the USA - 62%, and in China - 76%.

Based on the results of 2022, CNews Analytics experts compiled a rating of Russian companies working in the field of artificial intelligence. As part of the group, they develop and implement solutions using artificial intelligence technologies from Artezio, CleverData, Datana, SOLUT, LANIT-Tercom, LANIT Expertise, NORBIT, Computer Vision Systems, as well as the Big Data and Artificial Intelligence Competence Center. Based on the results of 2022, CNews Analytics experts compiled a rating of Russian companies working in the field of artificial intelligence. As part of the group, they develop and implement solutions using artificial intelligence technologies from Artezio, CleverData, Datana, SOLUT, LANIT-Tercom, LANIT Expertise, NORBIT, Computer Vision Systems, as well as the Big Data and Artificial Intelligence Competence Center.

CNews Analytics specialists not only assessed the revenue of companies that work in the field of AI, but also identified the most popular areas of activity. Thus, according to experts, in 2022, the industry actively implemented and created solutions for speech recognition and synthesis, chat bots and voice assistants. The second most popular technology was image recognition.

Most of all, AI is used in the banking sector, retail, telecom and the public sector. However, a CNews Analytics survey showed that artificial intelligence technologies will soon begin to be actively introduced into medicine, education, culture, energy and agriculture.

The rapid development of technologies and the expansion of the scope of AI solutions have a positive effect on the interest of businesses in such developments. Getting into the rating is a confirmation that companies manage to find effective cases of using artificial intelligence tools, and the results of the work are evaluated by industry peers.

Source: https://rg.ru/2023/04/17/trendy-razvitiia-iskusstvennogo-intellekta-i-tempy-ego-rosta-v-rossii-i-mire-maksimalno-sblizilis.html?ysclid=ljia19djgz577971636