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Source:Vodomosti From:Taiwan Trade Center, Moscow Update Time:2023/08/08

The government expects the new industry to be formed by 2030. By 2030, Russia should be among the top ten countries in the world in terms of developments in this area.

On June 28, the government, on behalf of the President of the Russian Federation, approved a strategy for the development of unmanned aircraft until 2030 and for the future until 2035. 

The strategy includes five main areas: the development and mass production of domestic unmanned aerial systems (UAS), including the creation of large production centers, the development of infrastructure (including airfields, heliports, drone ports), stimulating demand for UAVs and training personnel for unmanned aircraft. 

The regions must develop and approve programs for the development of unmanned aerial systems (UAS) by October 1. This instruction was given by First Deputy Prime Minister Andrey Belousov following a meeting of the Presidium of the Government Commission for the Development of BAS in the Regions.

“By October 1, the regions need to develop and approve such programs and send them to the Ministry of Industry and Trade, which is on the code of this work,” Belousov said, citing the government press service as saying.

In Russia, by 2030, new engineering designs of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), technologies for their takeoff and landing, high-power batteries and materials for drones should be developed. It is planned to allocate 49 billion rubles from the federal budget for research and development in this area over the next seven years, of which 4.6 billion rubles will be allocated from the federal budget - already in 2024. This follows from the passport of the federal project “Promising technologies for unmanned aerial systems (UAS)” prepared by the Ministry of Education and Science. Its authenticity was confirmed by two interlocutors in the companies developing UAVs.

The amount pledged by the Ministry of Education and Science looks very significant against the backdrop of the volume of the Russian market for civilian UAVs. In 2022, the drone market was 13 billion rubles, the Aeronext Association estimated.

As follows from the document, its goal is to ensure the technological independence and global competitiveness of Russian UAS. In particular, it says that by 2030 Russia should be among the top ten countries in the world in terms of research and development in the field of drones. The goals are planned to be achieved primarily through the implementation of R&D, the result of which should be experimental prototypes and demonstrators of UAS technologies in nine selected areas.

According to First Deputy Prime Minister Andrei Belousov, in parallel with the development of the strategy, the government is completing the creation of a national project for the development of unmanned aerial systems. It will become the main management mechanism for implementing the adopted strategy, the government said in a statement.

During the meeting, the First Deputy Prime Minister noted that Russian President Vladimir Putin attaches great importance to the development of UAS. According to Belousov, the regions are included in this work at different speeds. He stated that the government is ready to support them, but "the initiative should be with the subjects of the Russian Federation." The key point is the development of UAS development programs, he stressed.

First Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade Vasily Osmakov specified that 66 regions have already joined the formation of the civil state order. According to preliminary estimates, the potential annual need of the subjects in quantitative terms is 5678 drones, in financial terms - over 50 billion rubles.

Among the world leaders in terms of research and development in the field of drones are now the United States, China and Germany, said Alexei Rabin, an expert on the Aeronet NTI market. Japan, he said, also has a strong scientific and technical base and is actively developing UAS. The UK, in turn, is actively working to create a legislative framework for the regulation of unmanned technologies, the expert added. At the same time, Russia is leading in terms of developing software for UAS, said Nikita Danilov, CEO of Fly Dron.

As the first direction in the passport of the federal project, "Technologies, layouts and principles of the movement of UAS" are indicated, 2.6 billion rubles have been allocated for this until 2030. Work in the direction implies that during this period new UAS layout schemes, take-off and landing technologies should be developed. This, in turn, should reduce the noise of propellers, the visibility of drones in various ranges, their impact on the environment, and also improve the ergonomics of the devices, the authors of the project expect.

The second direction - "Power and power plants" - involves the development of high-power energy-intensive batteries to ensure high energy consumption during maneuvers. This should increase the range of the UAV by 1.5 times compared to currently available systems, the document says. For this event, the federal project until 2030 provides for 4.8 billion rubles. In the direction of "Technology of navigation, radio navigation", work should be carried out to create new systems that would provide fully autonomous navigation of the drone at any time and in the absence of a signal from a satellite or communication with ground control points. 6.7 billion rubles are allocated for this until 2030.

The main problem of the industry is that companies use a large number of imported components, notes Fyodor Borisov, chief expert at the Institute of Transport Economics and Transport Policy at the National Research University Higher School of Economics. First of all, it is worth learning to do domestically what is already being done in the world, i.e. engines, batteries and electronic component base.

Taking into account the fact that it will be necessary to develop both the schemes of the aircraft themselves and the infrastructure for drones, 49 billion rubles. - This is a rather modest amount, adds Borisov. If you do not spread the budget of the federal project in a hundred areas, but concentrate on a dozen, then in the foreseeable future there is a chance to get ready-made solutions for one or two of them and seriously improve your position in the rest, says the CEO of Agrimax.Aero, an expert on the NTI Aeronet market » Maxim Chizhov.

Also, by 2030, new production technologies and samples of new materials for the drone body, flight controllers, a system for integrating UAS into public mobile communication networks 4G / 5G should appear for use in urban air mobility, as well as a means of avoiding collisions in the air with manned aircraft, the document says.

In total, during the specified period, at least 47 samples and technology demonstrators and at least 278 applications and registered results of intellectual activity should appear.

According to the estimates given, the volume of the UAV market in the Russian Federation by 2035 may reach more than 1 million UAVs. The greatest potential for their application is in the agricultural sectors, in construction supervision, the creation and updating of geospatial databases and logistics (delivery of goods to hard-to-reach areas).

UAVs are already being used to inspect the state of energy networks, in environmental monitoring and in cartography, the government said in a statement. The use of devices made it possible to reduce the time for network checks by five times. And in cartography and cadastre, it reduced the cost of complex work by 20%.

According to the CEO and founder of Fly Dron, Nikita Danilov, the initial drivers for the growth of civil unmanned aviation will be government agencies and large fuel and energy companies interested in conducting aerial surveys and monitoring their facilities using drones. Their use will expand agricultural enterprises.

In the near future, agricultural drones can occupy about 40% of the UAV market, the expert notes. In the future, companies from the logistics, transport industries and media will join them, Danilov predicts.

An additional incentive for the UAS industry, according to the founder of Fly Dron, should be the development of digital platforms that ensure the integration of drones into a single airspace with manned aircraft. Such platforms will coordinate the work of customers and performers of work performed using drones.

To achieve the goals of the strategy, tens of billions of rubles are needed annually “in the form of orders for drones and services,” and closer to 2030 – hundreds of billions, estimates the CEO of the Kursir company (a market participant in the NTI Aeronet) Vitaly Munirov. This is the amount of funding, taking into account orders, state support and subsidies, investments in import substitution projects for new research, development and production, he emphasized in a conversation with Vedomosti.

The very fact of the adoption of the government program can be called a "positive moment". But in the future, it can be repeatedly revised under the influence of external circumstances, Danilov believes.

The main obstacles to the development of the UAS industry in Russia may be the lack of a well-developed regulatory framework and excessive regulatory bans introduced de jure to ensure safety, the expert specified.

  Now the main customer is the state. According to the expert, more than 70% of orders fall on state corporations and companies that fulfill orders from the state. At the same time, the number of market players is still limited to dozens.

 “We need more companies, customers, personnel for the industry. All this is in the program. If it is implemented, these numbers will grow. All the intentions declared in the program are a good help,” Munirov said.

The development of the industry will also be facilitated by the removal of bans and the legalization of the use of drones, experts say. After the lifting of restrictions on the use of UAVs, the market is waiting for explosive growth, according to experts, and we need to prepare for this.

Nikolai Ryashin, Director General of Rusdronoport LLC, draws attention to the need to create demand for UAS among potential customers in the regions. He notes that at the regional level, most often there is no understanding and formed need for the use of drones.

 “In general, the [government] approach lacks regional project offices to help gather information about the need for drones on the ground. With potential customers, he believes, it is necessary to conduct "deep educational work" and show how drones can be used in their industries.

The need for education and training of specialists who understand the functionality of UAVs and know how to use them in their industry, says the General Director of Agrimax.Aero (specializes in the use of UAS in agriculture) Maxim Chizhov. To achieve a result, it is necessary to change the very technological structure in agriculture, he notes. The new way of life implies the development of modern agricultural technologies, the introduction of new plant protection products, other methods of sowing and processing, and harvesting.

Chizhov's company has launched the Agroaerocadry project, which involves 256 educational institutions of the country that train specialists for agriculture. They intend to provide by 2027-2030. graduation of at least 10,000 specialists for work in agriculture “within the framework of a new technological order, taking into account, among other things, the active use of UAS”.

State support in the development of UAV production

In April, Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin, during an operational meeting with his deputies, emphasized that the aviation industry, including the production of UAVs, is among the priority areas of state support aimed at increasing the level of localization of production.

There are no unsolvable problems with import substitution in the unmanned industry, but there are acute issues with the localization of the production of some of the components necessary to reduce the cost of the final product, Danilov is sure. “It is especially difficult to replace electric motors and microelectronics with imports. Intersectoral cooperation is needed here,” he said. At the same time, the average localization of components in the industry is already about 50-60%. Sovereignty can be achieved in the coming years, expert believes

In 2021, the Russian market for unmanned aircraft exceeded 13 billion rubles, Vedomosti wrote. By 2030, the Russian UAV market could reach 120 billion rubles, Denis Manturov, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, said in November 2022. In 2021, about 2,500 drones were produced in Russia, in 2022 - more than 5,000.

At a meeting on the development of unmanned aircraft, First Deputy Prime Minister Andrey Belousov said that by the end of 2026 Russia would start producing 18,000 drones a year and cover 52% of domestic demand. Now this figure is 37%. By 2030, Russia can reach the volume of 32,000 UAVs, providing 70% of domestic demand.

Source: https://www.vedomosti.ru/technology/articles/2023/06/28/982797-kak-razvivatsya-bespilotnaya-aviatsiya-rossii?utm_campaign=editorchoice01072023&utm_content=982797-kak-razvivatsya-bespilotnaya-aviatsiya-rossii&utm_medium=email&utm_source=vedomosti
