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Production of sports shoes in Russia increased by 65%
Source:Izvestiya From:Taiwan Trade Center, Moscow Update Time:2023/09/09
The Russian Federation recorded a boom in the production of sports shoes against the background of the departure of international brands. In January-May 2023, its production increased by 52%, and at the end of 2022 - by 65%. This «Izvestia» told the Ministry of Industry and Trade. This topic is as popular all over the world, noted at Egoryevskaya shoe factory. This is confirmed by the experience of Zenden, and the Russian manufacturer intends to launch a new retail network of sports shoes under the brand Pulse. Experts note a gradual change in the dress code of Russians: the requirements for working or women’s clothing have become much softer, which forms the demand for more comfortable sports shoes.
In Russia, the volume of production of sports shoes increased dramatically
In the Russian Federation began to create and develop new names while foreign sports brands of the mass segment suspended work, noted the department. This applies to both consumer products, such as amateur and semi-professional sports, and clothing for professional teams.
The department added that the consumer is more willing to learn about Russian brands, this is evidenced by the fact that a number of bloggers-stylists have reoriented to Russian names. Data from specialized TV-programs and print media also speak about the big response from buyers.
The trend for the growth of the shoe industry was confirmed to Izvestia by the head of the department for investment and industrial policy of the capital, Vladislav Ovchinsky. So, in the first five months of 2023, about 700 thousand pairs were produced in Moscow, which is 30% more than in the same period last year, he said.
The growth in production has already been reflected in product prices, according to data from the TsRPT (labeling system operator). For example, the cost of sneakers decreased by 20% in the second quarter of 2023 compared to the same period in 2022. This spurred demand: legal retail sales increased by 106%, the needs of buyers were satisfied with domestically produced shoes, the CRPT emphasized.
New trends
Buyers are actively interested in sports shoes - such a trend is really there, confirmed the general director of Egoryevskaya shoe factory Sergey Sorokin. The whole world has gradually moved on to more functional things. For example, these are jeans and sneakers, which are allowed to wear in a number of official institutions. There are other concessions: so, with strict suits or women’s dresses you can wear sports shoes.
Alexander Sarychev, the managing partner of Zenden’s domestic shoe manufacturer and salesman, agrees with this. According to him, the trend is relevant in the industry last few years.
- All over the world, the dress code is gradually changing: the requirements for work or women's clothing have become much softer. Now people can wear sneakers under different clothes. The preferences of buyers have also changed - it has become fashionable to wear such shoes, ”he told Izvestia.
In addition, international sports brands have left the Russian Federation, which has pushed domestic manufacturers more actively to occupy this niche, the expert explained. But it is worth noting that this market is not growing at an explosive rate: it means that companies are redistributing their production. They refuse to manufacture different types, choosing a sports one. Among other factors, Alexander Sarychev named demand from the state. So, more and more active in public procurement involved not only tactical shoes, but also sports.
The hybrid style of sportswear for everyday wear (Athleisure) has been in trend for several years, Elena Alekseeva, senior vice president for marketing and digital technology development, told Izvestia.
— For young consumers, physical and mental health is a fundamental value of the generation. Statistics show a steady decline in the interest in smoking and alcohol among such citizens and, on the contrary, a constant increase in demand for everything related to physical activity, healthy nutrition and stress management, - she said. - The popularity of independent training has become a key trend in recent years, plus the growing proportion of those engaged in amateur sports and most often less demanding to sports equipment: people choose things for activities, which can be easily integrated into everyday wardrobe.
In addition, during 2022-2023 the world leaders of sports equipment and athleisure left the Russian market. As a result, Russian retailers, responding to the request of consumers, expand the categories of goods, the expert stressed.

Source: https://iz.ru/1550858/evgeniia-pertceva/pereobut-na-khodu-proizvodstvo-sportivnoi-obuvi-v-rossii-vyroslo-na-65?ysclid=lkqhnllc9t312454611