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The shortage of auto parts in Russia will continue until the end of 2023
Source:gazeta.ru From:Taiwan Trade Center, Moscow Update Time:2023/09/11

The problem of shortage of spare parts for car maintenance and repair that has formed on the Russian market will not be solved in the next few months. About this "Newspaper.Ru" said Tatiana Ovchinnikova, director of the international network of Fit Service car services.

"The problem with spare parts began in 2022 with the mass withdrawal of brands from the Russian market and the introduction of sanctions. This year it was partially solved. But it will not be possible to finally cope with the deficit in 2023. Firstly, there are no prerequisites for simplifying logistics chains. This means that rare and oversized spare parts that are specially ordered for a specific buyer will have to wait for several months. Secondly, the range of new Chinese cars is increasing, so warehouses for them will only begin to form," Ovchinnikova said.

According to the technical director of the network Alexey Ruzanov, most often difficulties arise with the supply of spare parts for European and American car brands. Until now, car owners may face a long wait when ordering cylinder heads, transmission units, clutches, optics.

Previously interviewed by "Gazeta.Ru" car dealers and experts said that against the background of a weak ruble, cars in Russia will rise in price by 10-12% by September.

Interviewed by "Gazeta.Ru" car dealers and experts do not doubt the price increase, they only disagree on how much the fall of the ruble will affect the price tags in car dealerships. For example, one of the largest automobile groups in the capital, Avilon, expects a restrained price increase, but only until the end of this month.

"At the moment, importers are in standby mode against the background of the weakening of the ruble.

If the ruble's downward movement does not stop, then we can expect that the cost of cars will be revised up by 3-5% this month.",  told Deputy General Director of Avilon Automotive Group for new car sales Renat Tyukteev.

According to him, in the segment of cars supplied by official Chinese importers, the price increase will be more moderate, since they are trying to smooth out sharp currency jumps in their marketing policy. The sellers will most promptly rewrite the price tags for cars that were imported by Russian dealers as part of parallel imports, Tyukteev clarifies.

Andrey Olkhovsky, CEO of the Avtodom group of companies, has a more skeptical forecast on prices, he expects that the current depreciation of the ruble will be reflected in the price of cars by the end of the summer due to the tougher pricing policy of automakers from China, which have taken a dominant position in the Russian car market.

"Chinese companies are taking a tougher approach to this issue than European manufacturers did earlier.

I believe that the price growth within two months will be in the range of 8-12%,

" Olkhovsky said in an interview with Gazeta.Ru».

Also, at the current exchange rate, there will be a compression of the segment of cars supplied to Russia through parallel imports. Adaptation to the new reality and new prices will happen no earlier than one or two months, he expects.

"Taking into account the current dynamics of the ruble exchange rate, there will be no parallel imports in general. The availability of the supply of cars is decreasing, because consumers are not always ready to buy a car for an amount that includes all the costs of their supply through parallel import," Olkhovsky states.

The depreciation of the ruble will affect the price of cars, by September, prices will rise by about 10%, agrees Sergey Burgazliev, an independent automotive consultant with the head of Avtodom.

"Cars that have already been contracted and paid for will not be affected. Regarding those who are on the way, everything depends on the terms of payment," explains Burgazliev "Газете.Ru ".

According to him, the rise in price will have a lesser impact on Chinese brands and will most affect cars imported from Arab countries, Japan, Turkey. This applies to both new and used cars.

A higher exchange rate will be included in the cost of the car that the customer will order from abroad, but in the future the fall of the ruble will also affect the price of cars produced in Russia, since a significant part of their cost is parts purchased for foreign currency, warns Sergey Tselikov, CEO of the analytical agency Autostat.

"Any car that is assembled on the territory of Russia has a currency component. – Sergey Tselikov told. If we talk about brands such as Moskvich, then there it reaches, I think, 80-90%. AvtoVAZ products have about 50%.

Where it is smaller, inertia is observed," explains Tselikov in a conversation with Gazeta.Ru».

Despite the increase in prices, we can hope that sales in Russia will reach 1 million cars by the end of the year, Andrey Terlyukevich, CEO of the Avtospeccenter group of companies, hopes.

According to statistics published by the Committee of Automakers of the Association of European Businesses (AEB) in the Russian Federation, according to the results of the first half of 2023, sales of new passenger cars and light commercial vehicles in Russia increased by 10% compared to the same period last year, to 428.3 thousand cars. The AEB also expects that the Russian market will reach a volume of 1 million cars by the end of the year.

Source: https://www.gazeta.ru/auto/news/2023/08/02/20991740.shtml?updated