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Special economic measures introduced for a number of goods from unfriendly countries
Source:Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation From:Taiwan Trade Center, Moscow Update Time:2023/10/15

The Government of the Russian Federation continues to implement a set of measures in response to the actions of unfriendly countries against Russia.

Amendments to the relevant draft resolution were signed by Prime Minister Mikhail Misostin and will be in force until the end of 2023.In particular, with regard to wine from unfriendly countries, the rate of import customs duties increased from 12.5% to 20%, but at least 1.5 US dollars per litre.

Currently, domestic producers are actively increasing the supply of their products to the domestic market. Consumers are increasingly choosing Russian wine, and traditions of winemaking and consumer culture are reviving.

Wine production in 2022 increased by 7 million dal (from 43 to 50 million dal). Industry experts predict that the positive dynamics of the production of Russian wine products will continue in 2023. There is an increase in the area of vineyards (at fruiting age), which in recent years has been about 2% annually. At the end of 2022, the area amounted to 82.2 thousand hectares. By the end of 2023, an increase of another 2,000 hectares is expected.

At the same time, there are all conditions for increasing the supply of wine products from friendly and neutral countries. Thus, last year the import of non-alcoholic wines from Chile increased by 9%, from Armenia - by 161%. Data for the first four months of 2023 indicate a significant potential for increased supplies of South African wines. Domestic production and imports from friendly countries would thus fully satisfy domestic demand.

For purified glycerin, the import duty rate will be 35% instead of the current 5%. Within the framework of import substitution, enterprises of the Russian chemical industry also began to increase their production capacities using the most modern technologies. According to the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia, purified glycerin has begun to be supplied to the market at a lower cost, which has caused difficulties for the sale of domestic products. The introduction of this measure will allow enterprises to create healthy price competition in the market, provide consumers with quality goods, and also continue to invest in further technological development.

Also, a ban on the import into the Russian Federation of finished products from fish and seafood, originating from unfriendly countries. According to the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia, the refusal of imports from the European Union, the United States and Norway will free up some niches of the market, which will fill domestic producers, whose capacity allows to fully meet the needs of the domestic market for such products. Russian companies will have the opportunity to increase production, expand the range and increase the number of jobs.

In addition, there is a 50 per cent import duty on plywood and a 35 per cent rate on polyurethane construction parts originating in unfriendly countries. According to the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia, the implementation of this measure will increase the use of domestic wood in the production of plywood, which will contribute to the implementation of the task set by the Government of the Russian Federation to further increase deep wood processing. It is forecast to increase the load of domestic plywood production. This circumstance in the current conditions will allow to preserve the industry cadres, protect investments and continue further development of the industry.

Source: https://www.economy.gov.ru/material/directions/vneshneekonomicheskaya_deyatelnost/dostup_na_vneshnie_rynki_i_zashchitnye_mery/vvedeny_specialnye_ekonomicheskie_mery_v_otnoshenii_ryada_tovarov_iz_nedruzhestvennyh_stran.html?ysclid=lkje7nlaeh715646637