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Turkish Household Appliances Are Becoming More Popular Among Russians
Source:Vedomosti From:Taiwan Trade Center, Moscow Update Time:2023/11/06

According to the M.video-Eldorado group, more than 0.5 million refrigerators and freezers, washing machines and dishwashers, as well as stoves and ovens of Turkish brands Beko, Grundig, Vestel, Simfer, etc. were sold in the first half of 2023. This is one and a half times more than in the first half of 2022. The trend was confirmed in Citylink and Wildberries.

Sales of Turkish appliances in Russia in January – June 2023 - refrigerators, freezers, washing machines and dishwashers, stoves, ovens under the brands Beko, Grundig, Vestel, Simfer – amounted to 05, million pieces or 8% of the total sales of 6.25 million pieces of such equipment by the most popular brands among Turkish in the Russian market Beko steel market, the former German brand Grundig bought by Arcelik concern, and major manufacturers Vestel and Simfer, analysts of M.video-Eldorado calculated. Beko became the third most popular brand of washing machines, although a year earlier it was in 6th place. Beko has entered the top 5 in refrigerators.

In the first half of 2023, Russians bought more than 40,000 items of Turkish household appliances on Yandex.Market, their share was 7%, a representative of the online platform said.

In Citylink, the demand for household appliances of Turkish brands has increased by more than 20%, the head of the procurement group "Large household Appliances" of the company Roman Motin confirmed the trend. For Wildberries, demand for it increased by 136% over the same period. According to Citylink's estimates, the total volume of sales of Turkish equipment in the first half of the year overcame the share of 10% in money in the Russian market, but the retailer did not name the absolute values.

Turkish washing machines accounted for almost 12% of sales of such devices, a representative of M.video-Eldorado said. For six months, they sold about 216,000 units, or 43.2% of the names of all equipment of Turkish brands. At Citylink and Yandex.Market, washing machines also took 1st place among the sales of all Turkish appliances.

Chinese brands of washing machines accounted for 35%, said the representative of M.video-Eldorado.

Russians also actively purchased Turkish cooktops, dishwashers and refrigerators, according to the data of M.video-Eldorado. The demand for Turkish dryers increased by 17.5%, and for refrigerators – by 6.8%, a representative of Citylink said, without naming absolute values. Among the most popular products among Russians at Wildberries were cooktops, mini-ovens and washing machines. The demand for blenders (+300%), washing machines (+175%) and steam generators (+100%) is growing at the most dynamic pace, the representative of the online platform said.

The statistics take into account equipment from Turkish brands, which, in addition to Turkey, is partially produced in Russia or China, explained the representative of M.video-Eldorado. At the same time, the range of household appliances from major world brands is also expanding, which produce products under their own trademarks at the facilities of Turkish partners, he drew attention. For example, Turkish Arcelik, which owns Beko and Grundig, bought Whirlpool facilities in Russia and has already started producing equipment under the Whirlpool and Indesit brands, Interfax wrote at the end of June 2023.

Turkish companies are increasing production capacities, including in Russia, confirms Oleg Muravyev, Commercial director of the M.Video-Eldorado group. The stability of the assortment and the availability of local production allow Turkish brands to strengthen their positions, replacing, together with brands from China, the departed Western players, he explains. Household appliances from Turkish brands are gaining popularity due to their affordable cost and a growing assortment on the Russian market, a representative of Wildberries confirms.

The Turkish brands Beko and Vestel have proven themselves well in the Russian market with an optimal price–quality ratio, so the demand for them is obvious, believes Denis Kuskov, CEO of Telecom Daily. It is these brands that are in demand in the economy segment. If customers need refrigerators or washing machines of a higher level, then they are no longer looking at Turkish brands such as Beko or Vestel, but at Chinese Haier or Viomi, which offer broad functionality and more advanced technologies, says a representative of a large supplier of household appliances "F+ tech | Marvel."

The strengthening of the position of Turkish household appliances in the Russian market is due to several factors at once, explains Mikhail Burmistrov, CEO of Infoline Analytics. The most obvious reason was the departure of a large number of European brands of equipment, he recalls. In addition, in 2022 and 2023, the situation in Turkey was characterized by a rapid weakening of the national currency, which made exports extremely attractive, especially to Russia, where, on the contrary, the ruble seriously strengthened in the second half of 2022 and maintained its position at the beginning of 2023, the expert pointed out.

Changes in marketing activity played a big role, Burmistrov continues. Sales of international brands were also supported by the work of brand zones in household appliances and electronics stores, which positively influenced the promotion of new products and stimulated purchases, the expert explains. Turkish companies were able to offer them an alternative, he notes.

Russians buy not only Turkish brands themselves, but also familiar European brands supplied or manufactured in Turkey, which left Russia last year, such as Bosch, Siemens, Electrolux, Indesit, etc., draws the attention of Kuskov. Since there are no direct deliveries of Bosch, Siemens, Electrolux, and Indesit products, they are transported from Turkish factories. Such goods are mainly ordered by more affluent and demanding consumers, the analyst points out. Therefore, the demand for Turkish household appliances will definitely remain in the coming year, because not everyone is ready to purchase affordable Chinese goods, which Russians are accustomed to consider "of lower quality," Kuskov concluded.

Source: https://www.vedomosti.ru/business/articles/2023/08/21/991044-turetskaya-bitovaya-tehnika-vse-populyarnee-sredi-rossiyan?utm_campaign=newspaper_21_8_2023&utm_medium=email&utm_source=vedomosti