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The Russian Ministry of Industry and Trade proposed to extend the simplified import of electronics from abroad
Source:Vedomosti From:Taiwan Trade Center, Moscow Update Time:2023/12/26

The Russian Ministry of Industry and Trade proposed to extend the simplified import of electronics from abroad.  We are talking about user and corporate equipment, experts explain.

The import of foreign equipment with the function of cryptographic encryption can be extended until the end of 2024. This is stated in the draft resolution developed by the Ministry of Industry and Trade. The document was published on the website of regulatory legal acts on October 11.

Amendments are planned to be made to the government decree "On establishing the specifics of importing encryption (cryptographic) tools and goods containing them into the Russian Federation" dated May 9, 2022. According to it, parallel import (import into the country without the permission of the copyright holder who left the Russian market) of such devices is allowed until the end of 2023.

According to the explanatory note to the draft, the resolution is aimed at "minimizing the risks of dependence of Russian importers on foreign manufacturers of encryption (cryptographic) tools." These funds, in turn, serve as components in the production of electronic equipment by companies included in the list of backbone organizations of the Russian economy, the document says.

Cryptographic information protection (SCSI) tools are used to protect data stored on devices, as well as to ensure security during the transmission of information through public networks, explains Mikhail Sergeev, lead engineer of CorpSoft24. We are talking primarily about the equipment of such foreign vendors as IBM, Symantec, Cisco, Fortinet, lists Igor Bederov, an expert at the SafeNet engineering center of the NTI.

But cryptographic tools are in the vast majority of models of modern technology – from printers and tablets to telecommunications equipment and equipment for television, says Pavel Korostelev, an expert at Security Code. SKIS are also often used in video surveillance systems and increasingly in smart devices such as smart homes, smart locks, smart thermostats and other Internet of Things (IoT) devices, Bederov adds.

Encryption is now used everywhere, especially in telecommunications, confirms Dmitry Rudko, head of the Planet Integrated Security Center. "Any smartphone uses various encryption methods: to access Google services and social networks, to surf the Internet and work with a mobile bank," he added. Equipment   encryption is put in production, the user can install software independently using certain solutions from the app store, Dudko clarifies.

According to Sergeev, encryption tools are used by commercial enterprises to protect confidential information, financial institutions – to ensure the security of financial transactions and data protection, Internet sites - to protect user data, as well as to ensure the security of payments and transactions, and ordinary users – to encrypt messages, files and data on their devices.

The one-year extension of the period of simplified import of foreign cryptographic protection means is necessary in order not to carry out additional checks of devices that are imported into Russia under the parallel import program, for example modems or smartphones, according to the founder of the company Somrass Evgeny Gromakovsky. "This will help eliminate discrepancies in the law and not prevent the filling of the consumer goods market with electronics," he says.

The extension of the simplified import of foreign encryption (cryptographic) means is necessary for household needs, and not for use, for example, in the public sector, explains Natalia Shcheglova, General Director of Elektra. One of the main requirements for cryptographic encryption in the public sector is the availability of valid certificates of compliance of market regulators – FSTEC and FSB, she explains. "The FSB certificate for compliance with the requirements for encryption (cryptographic) means is issued only if the encryption algorithm is implemented using domestic encryption algorithms according to GOST 28147-89. Foreign manufacturers do not support encryption according to GOST," Shcheglova explained.

But the simplified import of foreign cryptographic funds may pose a risk to national security, "since such products may contain vulnerabilities or be used for illegal purposes," Bederov notes. "This can lead to dependence on foreign suppliers and limit control over critical technologies. In addition, simplified importation can create competition for local producers, as they face external competitors who have access to advanced technologies and offer lower prices," he fears.

But for the period of development of the industry, including within the framework of the import substitution program, the availability of imported solutions remains critical for domestic companies, emphasizes Denis Pashchenko, Deputy director of the Information Security Department of Step Logic. The extension of the period of simplified import of foreign SKZIS will enable Russian vendors to refine the equipment of the corporate segment, explains Andrey Kononenko, CEO of RTK-service. That is, in fact, import substitution existing solutions with lower risks of reducing the stability of information systems, the expert concluded.

In addition to electronics, the list of products for parallel import includes cars (Porsche, Jaguar, Rolls-Royce and others), alcohol, clothing, furniture, sports equipment, machine tools and equipment, and others. By the end of 2022, the volume of parallel imports exceeded 20 billion. Dollars, according to the head of the Federal Customs Service Vladimir Bulavin.

Source: https://www.vedomosti.ru/technology/articles/2023/10/17/1000936-minpromtorg-predlozhil-prodlit-uproschennii-vvoz-elektroniki?utm_campaign=newspaper_17_10_2023&utm_medium=email&utm_source=vedomosti