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Russian video conferencing services will reach $40 million in 2023
Source:Vedomosti From:Taiwan Trade Center, Moscow Update Time:2023/12/30

The Russian segment of video conferencing services (VCS) may grow by 19% and reach $40 million by the end of 2023. In 2022, it was $33.5 million, which was 17% more than in 2021. This conclusion was reached by the analysts of the domestic software development company NOTA (T1 Holding) - vendor of software, supplier to the state sector and the biggest private companies  - after interviewing representatives of 4,500 companies.

By the end of 2022, about 86% of VCS platforms on the Russian market were represented by domestic products, 67% of which are included in the register of domestic software of the Ministry of Finance. The remaining 14% are solutions from foreign vendors, which the business continued to use, despite the departure from Russia of the developers Zoom, Skype for Business, Microsoft Teams, etc., the study says.

In 2022, the most active VCS platforms were implemented in the public sector (21%), education (15%) and IT companies (8%). In the telecom industry, only 2.8% of companies implemented such services in 2022. The space industry and jewelry industry were the least active in online meeting platforms (less than 1% in each).

"At the beginning of last year, the business found itself in a situation of uncertainty: the use of familiar services became impossible, and the introduction of new ones is difficult due to the lack of the necessary functionality. The developers quickly joined the race, and now we are watching how the domestic VCS market is improving the technological stack and progressing, increasing functionality, the number of customers and implementations," said Kirill Bulgakov, Deputy General Director of T1 Holding, Managing Director of NOTA.

According to the CEO of Telecom Daily Denis Kuskov, the volume of the Russian VCS market in 2022 increased by 20-25% and amounted to about 10 billion rubles. At the same time, about 8 billion rubles are Russian players; 5.5–6 billion rubles of the revenue from VKS solutions fell on state-owned companies and state-controlled structures, he explains. Microbusiness and small businesses have stayed away from import substitution and continue to use foreign VCS services, primarily Zoom, says Kuskov.

The high readiness of the public sector to replace foreign services has led to a change in the portrait of the customer, the representative of the developer of the VKS "Trukonf" notes. If in 2020 and 2021 about 80% of those who applied for the acquisition of VCS were the public sector and companies with state participation, then in 2022 about 50% were already representatives of large businesses, manufacturing and industry, he explained. "The migration process of such companies has accelerated over the past year, as a result of which the market is expected to grow by 40-50% in 2023," the source predicts.

"The domestic market in the current conditions is likely to develop faster than the global one, which is growing by an average of 12-13% per year. The increase in revenue can be explained by the end of the testing period of the selected solutions, the massive introduction of VCS into business processes and the growth of functionality," said Anastasia Ryzhkova, head of the analytical agency of NOTA. According to her, the developer expects the growth dynamics to remain at 14-17%.

According to Kuskov, the growth rate of the VCS market will decrease in the coming years and will amount to 10-15% per year, since state–owned companies – the main consumer - have already switched to import-substituted solutions in the bulk. Some companies may return to Microsoft and Zoom solutions, which will practically not affect the market volume, but will increase competition and slow down the growth of the shares of Russian players, the representative of Trukonfa believes. Among the main factors that can support the growth of the VCS market, the project manager "Contour.Tolk" Pavel Skripnichenko called the spread of remote work, the development of online training and educational programs, as well as state support for domestic products.

Source: https://www.vedomosti.ru/technology/articles/2023/11/10/1005084-rinok-servisov-videokonferentssvyazi-dostignet-40-mln?utm_campaign=newspaper_10_11_2023&utm_medium=email&utm_source=vedomosti