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Russian IT company ICL has opened a factory for the production of printed circuit boards
Source:Vedomosti From:Taiwan Trade Center, Moscow Update Time:2023/12/29

The Russian IT company ICL has launched a plant for the assembly of computer equipment and surface mounting of motherboards on the territory of the Innopolis Special Economic Zone (SEZ) in Tatarstan. This was announced by the Minister of Digital Development of the Republic of Tatarstan, Airat Khairullin, in his Telegram channel. "In the context of the urgent need to increase production capacities that ensure technological sovereignty and import substitution of the country, the creation of such productions is a strategic task," said Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic Roman Shaykhutdinov.

According to Khairullin, it is expected that at the first stage the plant will be able to produce 300,000 boards per year, followed by an increase in volumes to 1 million. The production area will be 8000 sq. m. The board assembly capacity will allow the production of more than 200 types of Russian-made computing equipment, as indicated on the ICL website.

The representative of the company did not specify what kind of equipment the new ICL plant will assemble. Previously, ICL was engaged in contract production of products of the American vendor Dell, as indicated on the website.

Construction of the new ICL plant began at the end of 2021. The total cost of the investment project was estimated at 3.7 billion rubles, but an ICL representative clarified to Vedomosti in December 2022 that 2 billion rubles were assumed by the management company of the SEZ Innopolis. "Initial state investments of 2 billion rubles. the construction of the plant was provided in accordance with the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1119, which provides for the reimbursement of funds spent on infrastructure," explained the representative of the press service of Innopolis.

The amount of investments, taking into account the area, seems to be underestimated, taking into account current prices and the costs of creating their own production facilities, an interlocutor in one of the domestic electronics manufacturers notes. For example, the amount of investment in the Rostov plant of the company "Beshtau", which will produce only laptops, will amount to 8 billion rubles. The corresponding agreement was signed at SPIEF-2023 by the Governor of the Rostov region Vasily Golubev and the CEO of the company Oleg Osipov.

Beshtau is the largest example of launching production on the Russian market, says ARPE President Ivan Pokrovsky. But now there are quite a few small productions, he added. According to Pokrovsky, the new ICL capacities will be enough to produce products under the company's own brand, but not under contract with other vendors. "If we are talking about 300,000 motherboards, then this is a noticeable amount for the market, but it all depends on their complexity and the devices for which they are manufactured," says Evgeny Krivosheev, Director of Production at Fplus.

The new ICL capacities will allow to increase the level of localization of electronics production, said Evgeny Stepanov, CEO of ICL Techno, speaking at the opening of the plant.

In accordance with the point system approved in September 2022 by Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin to determine the level of "domesticity" of radio electronics, the installation of boards and the domestic assembly of final products will give more points, Vedomosti wrote. At the same time, since 2024, only Russian printed circuit boards are required to be used to recognize domestic technology. Now the register of the Ministry of Industry and Trade includes, for example, an ICL laptop (scored 114 points), a Kraftway "Accord KNA" laptop (112 points), an Aquarius NS M11 PDA (100 points), etc.

The latest up–to-date data on the structure of the printed circuit board market is the 2018 ARPE report. It follows from it that at that time the market volume was $282 million. The largest manufacturers were "Resonit", "Technotech" and "Electroconnect". In 2023, the launch of the production of printed circuit boards was announced by Yadro (the release dates are not disclosed), Beshtau Electronics announced the launch of the "first stage of the production of printed circuit boards" in the spring of 2024, Kommersant wrote. A similar project, according to the publication, was planned by GS Group.

A representative of GS Group said that the production facilities of GS Nanotech, engaged in the development, packaging and testing of microelectronic products, allow to produce up to 20 million chips per year. Platon did not comment on plans to launch production. The company is engaged in contract production of microelectronics for Russian design centers, the representative of GS Group added, without specifying specific partners.

Source: https://www.vedomosti.ru/technology/articles/2023/11/14/1005649-icl-otkrila-zavod-po-proizvodstvu-pechatnih-plat?utm_campaign=newspaper_14_11_2023&utm_medium=email&utm_source=vedomosti