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Artificial intelligence is used by a quarter of Russian companies
Source:Kommersant From:Taiwan Trade Center, Moscow Update Time:2024/01/12

As of November 2023, about a quarter of Russian companies use artificial intelligence (AI) technologies. Half of the companies use AI on a daily basis. This is evidenced by the data of the study "Avito work" and the bank "Tochka".

Avito Work and Tochka Bank interviewed 10,000 representatives of companies from 19 fields, including transport, insurance, art, tourism, telecommunications, security business. At the same time, 24% of respondents reported that they already use AI. Of these, almost half (49%) said they use AI on a daily basis. Almost a third (30%) of respondents use it two to four times a week.

They are also used daily in the transport and logistics industries (67%), hotel and restaurant business (59%), banking (58%), trade (56%) and medicine (55%). As a rule, the systems also help when working with clients (37%), collecting analytics (36%), planning processes (33%), computing (32%), query processing (32%) and writing texts (31%).

Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko said that the use of AI by companies will become a prerequisite for receiving subsidies from the budget. In the next year, 2024, this approach will be tested for companies whose revenue is more than 800 million rubles.

According to government forecasts, the introduction of AI technologies will bring an additional 11.3 trillion rubles to GDP by 2030. Approximately 16% of Russian medical organizations are already implementing such technologies. The Russian authorities and representatives of the scientific community have repeatedly said that Russia is still lagging behind the pace of AI development that exists in the world.

The annual conference "Sbera" "Journey into the world of artificial Intelligence", which took place for the eighth time, confirmed the intention of the Russian authorities to at least keep up with the world leaders in the development of artificial intelligence technology. Profile Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko promised that by 2030 Russia will enter the top 5 countries in the world in terms of the main AI metrics, and said that the use of new technologies will increase the size of the Russian economy by 6%.

In addition to involving AI in solving the problem of economic growth, the authorities promise to use it in the field of public administration — so that officials can make decisions faster and clearer. And here the task set by the president looks more definite. Judging by his words, already in the first quarter of 2024, ministers, rectors and, apparently, heads of state corporations will be "put at the desk." Vladimir Putin instructed the government, together with the AI Alliance, to create an educational program for the heads of major companies, federal and regional authorities, universities and secondary vocational education systems on the theory and practice of AI application — with a special emphasis on large language and generative models.

The authorities also intend to "push" entrepreneurs to use AI. As previously reported, the use of this technology by companies will become a prerequisite for them to receive subsidies from the federal budget. Starting next year, this approach will be tested at enterprises with an annual revenue of more than 800 million rubles, working in agriculture, transport, industry and healthcare, Dmitry Chernyshenko said. In addition to coercive measures, there will be, however, a bonus. Vladimir Putin promised to think about allocating additional funds for research and development in the field of generative AI and large language models, if leading Russian companies will co-finance such work and provide testing of the results obtained.

The government intends to open budget financing for the development of AI in healthcare

The federal project "Digital Health Services" will be launched in Russia, follows from the list of instructions given to the departments by Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin. Part of it will be budget support for the introduction of artificial intelligence (AI) in medicine — on Wednesday, the Prime Minister instructed the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Finance to provide funding for this process starting from 2025 when forming a new federal project.

In order to increase the level of AI application in the healthcare sector, the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Finance were instructed to provide funding from 2025 for the implementation of solutions based on this technology in the formation of a new federal project "Digital Healthcare Services". In addition, within the framework of the current national project "Healthcare", the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Economy must develop a management system for the implementation of measures for the introduction of AI in the medical field by February 15, 2024.

Maxim Oreshkin, assistant to the President of the Russian Federation, who spoke at the Sbera conference "Journey into the World of Artificial Intelligence" on Wednesday, said that 16% of healthcare organizations have already implemented AI-based solutions, adding that "obviously, this trend will gain momentum." It should be noted that after the outbreak of the pandemic, it was the healthcare sector that became the leader in the introduction of AI — with reference to Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko, it was reported that in addition to 16% of organizations already using this technology, another 34% plan to introduce it in the near future.

Currently, there are two types of AI solutions in this area: medical (image analysis, electronic medical card data, video stream) and non-medical products (voice services for optimizing the operation of call centers, video analytics services to ensure patient safety, chatbots for the primary collection of patient data before an appointment with a doctor).

Source: https://www.kommersant.ru/doc/6365869?from=vertical_lenta ; https://www.kommersant.ru/doc/6365869?from=vertical_lenta ; https://www.kommersant.ru/doc/6351948?from=doc_vrez