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Auto parts in Russia have risen in price by 7% or more since the beginning of the year
Source:Vedomosti From:Taiwan Trade Center, Moscow Update Time:2023/12/22

The cost of auto parts on ad aggregators and in catalogs for insurance repair of passenger cars in 2023 increased in the range from 7 to 17%. Representatives of Drom (automobile portal) and the Russian Union of Motor Insurers (RSA) told Vedomosti about this.

According to Drom, in 2023, spare parts rose in price by an average of 17%. The portal's analysts attribute the price increase to the weakening of the ruble and logistical costs. "Last year's changes could not but affect the cost of spare parts in 2023 – prices continued to rise throughout the year. So far, it is not necessary to count on their reduction," says Alexander Skorokhodov, project manager at Drom. Prices for spare parts for cars of brands that have left Russia have increased the most, he notes. In 2022 after the start of its operations in Ukraine, all foreign automakers, except Chinese ones, began to curtail their official activities in Russia.

Components for routine maintenance of machines have also risen in price this year, adds a representative of Drom. So, filters have risen in price by 2-3%, wiper blades – by 7%, oils – by 14%, and belts, brake pads and discs have increased in price by 15%, the interlocutor lists. The cost of spark plugs remained approximately at the level of last year, he said.

The RSA traditionally updates the spare parts cost reference books in accordance with the Unified Methodology for estimating the cost of CTP repairs 4 times a year. Compared with the prices in the reference book of the version released on December 19, 2022, the average cost of spare parts increased by 7.4%, says a representative of the organization.

"On average, the growth in value over the year was not so great: taking into account the fluctuations in exchange rates that we had in the middle of the year, we could have expected much more growth. This has happened for some car brands, while for others, on the contrary, there has been a decrease. But in general, we believe that the situation with spare parts is stabilizing," says RSA President Yevgeny Ufimtsev.

The financial capacity of the spare parts market in Russia in 2022 in bn rubles (Source: BN Motors) 







The braking system




Steering control




Electrical equipment


The clutch


Body parts





1.9 trillion

Sergey Burgazliev, an independent automotive consultant, also speaks about the stabilization of the situation. According to the expert, the situation with prices in the spare parts market has stabilized in the autumn and no significant increase in their cost is expected in the near future. In general, spare parts for passenger cars have risen in price by about 15% over the year, Burgazliev believes. At the same time, for cars of European brands, this value turned out to be higher – at the level of 20%, and for Russian and Chinese, on the contrary, lower – about 10%, he notes.

It is quite difficult to estimate the average increase in prices for spare parts, says Alexey Podshchekoldin, President of the association "Russian Automobile Dealers", Chairman of the Board of Directors of BN-Motors. According to him, most of all it affected those components for cars that are not produced in Russia. For example, prices for auto glass have risen by 2-3%, for timing belts – by 5-10%, batteries have risen in price by 15%.

At the same time, there are cases of price reductions for the most common consumables – cabin and oil filters, as well as brake pads, the source notes. This is because last year many large dealers in spare parts created large stocks, which now have to be sold at discounts, explains Podschekoldin.

The most tense situation, according to him, has developed with body parts for cars of bygone brands. "For example, body parts for the once popular Renault Kaptur and Arkana crossovers are simply not available now. Russian–built cars differed from analogues for other markets, therefore it is impossible to bring [components] from other countries," he complains. Because of this, the cost of servicing these machines is also increasing, the source explains.

The cost of maintenance (maintenance) of cars will increase by about 10-15%, the representative of Drom believes. In particular, service from authorized dealers who use original consumables will become more expensive, which means that the cost of their services depends more on currency fluctuations, he argues.

The average cost of a standard hour of maintenance work for passenger cars has practically not changed this year and amounted to 700 to 2000 rubles, says Olga Selezneva, chairman of the Regional Association of Service Stations. According to her, the main problem is not in spare parts, but in the shortage of qualified car mechanics and locksmiths. "We cannot increase the cost of a standard hour, because we have serious competitors - garage services," she notes.

The capacity of the Russian market for new auto parts has been growing in recent years, according to Autostat data. If in 2020 this market in money amounted to 1.64 trillion rubles, then in 2021 it was already 1.8 trillion, and in 2022 it was 1.89 trillion rubles. 

The capacity of the Russian market for new auto parts has been growing in recent years, according to Autostat data. If in 2020 this market in money amounted to 1.64 trillion rubles, then in 2021 it was already 1.8 trillion, and in 2022 it was 1.89 trillion rubles. Its capacity in money will continue to grow, the agency's executive director Sergey Udalov believes. According to the analyst, the price spread for spare parts this year is largely due to the origin of a particular part. The weighted average cost of repairs this year will be higher than last year, as well as the number of calls to the service, because the time of car ownership is increasing, he explains.

Source: https://www.vedomosti.ru/auto/articles/2023/12/05/1009332-avtozapchasti-v-rossii-s-nachala-goda-podorozhali?utm_campaign=newspaper_5_12_2023&utm_medium=email&utm_source=vedomosti