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Adidas and Reebok products will return to Russia through a distributor
Source:Vedomosti; hf.ru From:Taiwan Trade Center, Moscow Update Time:2023/12/29

Against the background of the current economic situation, most of the foreign companies have ceased their activities on the territory of the Russian Federation. But after a while, a number of these companies began to return to the market, but under a different name. 

The Adidas and Reebok brands, which previously left the Russian market, will sell their products in Russia in the new ASP network launched by Lestate (distributor of Western sports brands). Ilya Komissarov, head of the company's marketing department, says this in his interview with Kommersant newspaper. He noted that the first ASP store will open this week in the Belaya Dacha outlet in Moscow. According to him, the number of stores is still being discussed, and the expansion of the retail network will be gradual.

Adidas closed stores in Russia in March 2022. At the end of last year, Adidas leased 153 premises for stores. In August, it became known that Adidas had sublet part of its space to Lamoda. In particular, the online retailer Lamoda plans to launch its own retail chain of sportswear stores on the site of the closed Adidas outlets.

Lestate directly supplied Adidas and Reebok products even before they left Russia. This distribution scheme will continue to maintain the assortment in ASP stores, Komissarov said. He added that the new stores will not necessarily occupy the areas that Adidas rented in Russia.

Adidas stores in Russia will be relaunched under a new name in the spring of 2024. The opening of the renovated stores will begin in Moscow, the assortment in them will remain the same, but prices may increase by 20%. 

In November 2022, Lestate also bought the rights to rent a Nike outlet in Belaya Dacha. The company also announced its withdrawal from the Russian Federation earlier. At the outlet site, the distributor opened a store under the brand NSP (Nike Sport Point), which presents Nike products. 

The turnover of the franchising market in Russia in 2022 increased by 19% to 2.78 trillion rubles. The growth is due, among other things, to an increase in the average check in almost all areas of business, that is, most buyers began to buy more.

The number of employees in franchise networks increased by 9% in 2022 to 1.24 million people. According to a specialized website franshiza.ru At the beginning of 2023, there were 3249 franchises in Russia. This is 5% more than a year earlier. 

The surveyed businessmen showed that 69% of them had more business in a year, 23% "remained as before" and only 6% had to be reduced.

Let's start, perhaps, with the most famous McDonalds brand. This franchise in Russia was bought out by entrepreneur Alexander Govor and reopened under the name "Tasty and period". Starbucks. It was also bought out by Russian businessman Timur Yunusov (Timati). And he returned under the Stars Coffee brand with a very similar logo.

Zara. The stores were resold to the Lebanese Daher group, which reopened them under the new name Maag. At the same time, the range of products remained almost unchanged. 

L'Occitane. The French cosmetics company did not become wise and opened under the Russified name "L'Occitan". Coca-Cola now operates under the Dobry brand with virtually unchanged menus and recipes.

The Japanese clothing manufacturer Uniqlo really did not want to leave Russia, as the company's executives openly stated. As a result, on March 10, 2022, the company still "suspended operations" in the Russian Federation. But in October 2022, the goods of the Japanese brand appeared on sale in the Lamoda online store - it was on this site that Uniqlo decided to sell its leftovers in warehouses. However, for some reason there are more and more remnants. You can also find brand products on other trading platforms on the Internet. The cost of goods remained approximately at the same level. In terms of euros to rubles, they generally correspond to the prices indicated on the Uniqlo website version.

At the beginning of the summer of 2022, the American suitcase manufacturer Samsonite International sold its Russian business to the management of a local branch. And since August, stores have been reopening under the banner of "Suitcase Pro". Samsonite suitcases (as well as American Tourister, Tumi and Lipault, owned by Samsonite International) are still sold in them. The company reports that deliveries to Russia are continuing.

Levi's New name: JNS American denim manufacturer Levi Strauss & Co has returned to the Russian market after an almost four-month break. News agencies reported that now the brand's products will be sold in Russia in stores under the signs of JNS.

The stores of the Polish company LPP have reopened in Russian shopping malls with new names. The rebranding took place after the sale of LPP's Russian assets - more than 500 stores - to a Chinese consortium.  The stores of the House, Cropp, Reserved, Mohito and Sinsay brands, owned by the LPP retailer, are now opening in Russia under new signage. The new owners did not change the names much, but simply shortened them: now the Reserved store will be called Re.

Coca-Cola renamed its Russian division Multon Partners (LLC "Multon Partners") and chose a new name for the traditional soda in the country — "Good Cola". The Teremok fast food restaurant chain received a notification about this.  According to Mikhail Goncharov, the founder of Teremka, the popularity of Dobry juice, which is produced by Multon, will be used to build sales of Coca-Cola under the new brand. However, Good Cola will have to compete with Russian manufacturers, who, against the background of Coca-Cola's departure, have begun bottling their own analogues of the famous soda.

The Russian office of the Nestle concern will continue to supply Maxibon ice cream to retailers under the new brand. The local Froneri division is engaged in the production and distribution of the dessert — products with changed naming have already been posted on its website. So, because of the sanctions, Maxibon in Russia will be presented under the name Maxiduo.

Source: https://www.vedomosti.ru/business/news/2023/12/06/1009560-produktsiya-adidas-reebok ; https://life.ru/p/1618334; https://hf.ru/blog/allinfo/kakie_brendy_vernulis_v_rossiy