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The Russian takeaway coffee market increased by 21% in 2023
Source:Vedomosti From:Taiwan Trade Center, Moscow Update Time:2024/03/09

The Russian takeaway coffee market increased by 21% in 2023 compared to 2022 and amounted to about 102.7 billion rubles, Smart Ranking calculated for Vedomosti. According to preliminary estimates of analysts, in 2022 its turnover was estimated at 85 billion rubles, and in 2021 – at 57 billion rubles.

The leaders in terms of revenue in 2023 will be Coffee Like, with an expected forecast of 7 billion rubles (+25%), Cofix with 5.7 billion rubles (+15%) and One Price Coffee with 4.3 billion rubles (+21%). According to the Smart Ranking forecast, by the end of 2023, the total revenue of the top 10 companies amounted to about 20 billion. The experts' assessment was confirmed by representatives of Coffee Like, One Price Coffee and Coffee Way (4th place in the ranking). 

Before the pandemic, the takeaway coffee market was smaller. While there were covid restrictions, people could not sit in coffee shops and took coffee with them, which later became a habit, Smart Ranking analysts explain. Then this segment began to grow rapidly against the background of the end of the pandemic and the abolition of the mask regime – even in the face of economic shocks associated with both lockdown and the withdrawal of foreign brands from the Russian market, the study says. High consumer demand allows businesses to open more new outlets and actively develop franchises. At the same time, the largest players in the segment are rapidly increasing their share, displacing or buying up small companies through franchise programs, the company's analysts say. "The takeaway coffee segment grew at a record pace in 2023, and we expect growth to continue in 2024," said a Smart Ranking representative.

The consolidation of the coffee segment is evidenced not only by the revenue growth of the largest companies, but also by the number of open outlets. For example, the number of points of the leader of the rating – Coffee Like exceeded 1000. This is comparable to the indicator of the Rostic's chain (formerly KFC), the leader among fast food outlets in Russia (about 1,100 establishments). Vkusno I Tochka has about 900 enterprises.


Source: Smart Ranking

  1. Coffee Like
  2. Cofix
  3. One Price Coffee
  4. Coffee Way
  5. Bodriy Den
  6. Stars Coffee
  7. Surf Coffee
  8. Coffee Point
  9. Dablbi
  10. Baggins Coffee

The largest market players are growing due to the geography of their presence and an increase in the number of points, Smart Ranking analysts say. As of October 2023, the Coffee Like network had 1,021 outlets (of which 1,014 were franchised), One Price Coffee – more than 370, Cofix has more than 260 outlets in Russia, Coffee Way – 212.

The pace of development of leaders will only increase, says Sergey Buntsevich, founder and CEO of Coffee Way Family. "As a result, it will be difficult for non–chain coffee shops," he adds. Buntsevich explains the growing consumption of takeaway coffee by the trend for ready-made food and ready-made drinks.

The takeaway coffee segment is characterized by general catering trends, such as market consolidation, said Mikhail Burmistrov, CEO of Infoline Analytics. According to him, the main pressure on this market will be exerted in 2024 by a further increase in coffee prices due to climatic factors and expensive logistics, staff shortages, as well as the active development of the ready-made coffee sales segment by retailers. Now both Pyaterochka and Magnit coffee machines are being installed – their new format assumes the presence of a bakery and a coffee point, he points out.

According to the data of the OFD Platform published in September 2023, the average price of a cup of coffee (150-200 ml) in catering establishments in August – September last year amounted to 166 rubles, which is 11% higher than in 2022, and 118% higher than in 2016. The largest jump in the average price occurred in 2022, when it increased by 61%.

Burmistrov expects that the largest network franchises will have growth potential, and the share of retailers in this market will grow very quickly. For example, Pyaterochka, in terms of the number of outlets where ready-made coffee is sold with itself, already significantly surpasses the leader of the takeaway coffee market Coffee Like. Now there are about 5,200 out of more than 19,000 "Pyaterochka" selling coffee with them, said a representative of X5 Group. 

Source: https://www.vedomosti.ru/business/articles/2024/01/18/1015559-rinok-kofe-s-soboi-viros-v-2023-godu?utm_campaign=newspaper_18_1_2024&utm_medium=email&utm_source=vedomosti