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New trends in 2023 at the Russian market of dietary supplements: anti-stress and beauty
Source:Vedomosti; Delovoy Profil From:Taiwan Trade Center, Moscow Update Time:2024/03/10

In the conditions of economic and epidemiological cataclysms, the nutritional structure of the population inevitably undergoes significant changes, therefore, currently biologically active additives are increasingly beginning to be in demand among consumers. Regular and targeted supplementation can solve many problems.

As a result, interest in dietary supplements is steadily growing. According to Rospotrebnadzor, now from 8 to 20% of Russians take dietary supplements. The share of citizens who regularly consume dietary supplements increases by about 5% annually, According to the international research company Euromonitor International, over the past two years the market of dietary supplements in Russia has increased by 13%. In 2023, according to experts, the Russian dietary supplements market will increase by 15%.

The share of dietary supplements in the structure of the pharmacy market is about 9.7%. HSE experts believe that the key drivers of the Russian market are:

Covid and post-covid consumption.

• Panic moods associated with expectations of inflation and the departure of foreign brands (March panic).

• Diversification of sales channels – active development of the dietary supplement category of non-pharmaceutical e-comm (marketplaces).

A huge role for the development of the dietary supplements market is played by the diversification of channels by the best–selling brands for 7 months of 2023 (in terms of sales) within the framework of pharmacy sales were Evalar with a share of 8.5% (+12% compared to the previous period of 2022), Solgar - 5.3% (+3%) and Buck-set – 2.8% (+33).

Solgar companies actively sold their products on marketplaces with a share of 11.1% (+30%), Evalar – 10.1% (+32%) and Doppelhertz – 2.6% (+12%). In the spring of 2020, pharmacies were able to remotely trade pharmacy assortment. The SanPiN, which prohibited the remote sale of dietary supplements, has been canceled since January 2021. This contributed to the growth of the e-commerce channel and the expansion of sales markets and audience at the expense of younger consumers.

At the same time, since January 2022, the growth of the E-comm segment amounted to +91%, while the pharmacy channel – only +16%.  

For 2023, as of December 2023, the share of the E-comm segment in total sales of dietary supplements will be 19% (by the end of 2022 – 9%). At the same time, the number of sellers on marketplaces increased 5-6 times in 2023.

Evalar analysts examined the results of 2023 and concluded that the new noticeable consumer trends in the dietary supplement market in 2023 were a further increase in interest in products to overcome stress and its consequences, as well as an increase in consumption of products to preserve beauty and youth.

In 2023, the pharmaceutical market of dietary supplements reached the mark of 100 billion rubles, showing dynamics in rubles +10%, and -3% in packages. In many ways, the negative dynamics of the market in physical terms is explained by a shift in demand in favor of higher price categories: for example, the highest price categories of 1000 and 1500+ rubles showed the greatest increase (a cumulative increase from 30.1% to 35.3%), while the share of price categories below 1000 rubles decreased from 69.9% to 64.7%. According to the company's analysts, the growth of high price categories in the market is largely due to the fact that a number of large brands introduced premium lines to the market in 22-23 years. So, Evalar has launched the Evalar Laboratory line on the market during this period.

According to Evalar analysts, the stable dynamics of traditional volume categories such as pro- and prebiotics, omega, vitamin C, and antistress remains. At the same time, the antistress category in 2023 maintained high growth dynamics - from the Evalar range, preparations with magnesium (+101.2%) and B vitamins (+47.8%) showed the greatest dynamics here.

An important feature of 2023 was the revival of interest in the beauty and weight loss categories, which have been declining since 2020: "In 2023, we saw an increase in user interest in the beauty category – and this is a completely new trend in the market. If we talk about the direction of beauty, then collagen has the leading sales here (+33%), where Collagen Evalar occupies a significant share in the category. In addition, for the first time in a long time, the weight loss category returned to growth, which showed dynamics of +24.9%, products with open names showed growth: alpha-lipoic acid (+55%), L-carnitine, and the positive dynamics of the Turboslim line resumed. For our part, we explain the growth of beauty and weight loss categories by increasing customer attention to their own appearance, greater awareness of the possibilities of nutraceuticals, as well as the end of the "age of remoteness" and the need to "get back in shape," said Natalia Prokopyeva, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Evalar CJSC.

Source: https://www.vedomosti.ru/press_releases/2024/02/12/novie-trendi-2023-goda-na-rinke-bad--antistress-i-byuti?utm_campaign=newspaper_13_2_2024&utm_medium=email&utm_source=vedomosti ; https://delprof.ru/press-center/open-analytics/rossiyskiy-rynok-badov-2023-obzor-nishi/?ysclid=lsk1uf5owg662341325