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Poland’s household appliance industry down in 2023
Source:wnp.pl From:Taiwan Trade Center, Warsaw Update Time:2024/03/09

Poland's household appliance industry recorded significant declines in both production and exports in 2023. However, it retained its leading position in Europe and expects economic recovery, especially in the second half of 2024.

In 2023, 26 million household appliances were produced in Poland, including almost 23 million pieces of large household appliances, such as washing machines, stoves, refrigerators and dishwashers, and 3.1 million small household appliances, such as vacuum cleaners, coffee machines and mixers.

The statistics are provided by the Polish Association of Household Appliance Producers (APPLiA Polska), which brings together 35 domestic producers and importers of household appliances.

Last year, the production of large household appliances in Poland was 2.9 million devices lower (-11%) than in 2022 and 7.5 million devices lower than in the record-breaking year 2021 in this respect. The production of small household appliances also decreased, from 3.7 million pices in 2022 to 3.1 million pieces in 2023.

"2023 has not been kind to the household appliances industry. We had to deal with inflation, the delayed effect of COVID, increased purchasing caution by retailers, new supply chains and the local effect of the war in Ukraine," said Wojciech Konecki, president of APPLiA Polska.

Despite the declines, Poland still maintains the position of the European leader in the production of household appliances, enjoying some 40% share in the European Union.

The decline in such production is the result of weakening demand on Poland's leading export markets, such as Germany, Great Britain and France. In addition, the strong competition from Turkish and Chinese factories also has a huge influence.

"We believe that in terms of volume and value, we will probably rebound this year," said Konecki, noting a positive attitude of producers towards the market in terms of production and consumption.

Source: https://www.wnp.pl/tech/wazna-polska-branza-sie-kurczy-ale-i-tak-jestesmy-liderem-europy,809635.html?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=wnp29-02-2024