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Russian manufacturers intend to significantly increase the production of printed circuit boards
Source:Vedomosti From:Taiwan Trade Center, Moscow Update Time:2024/05/01

The domestic company Technotech plans to increase the production of printed circuit boards from 1.8 million to 7.5 million square dm by the end of 2025. Mirvat Mart, General Director of the company, told Vedomosti about this.

In 2023, the company produced 1.8 million square dm of circuit boards. By the end of 2024, the capacity of the Technotech plant in Yoshkar-Ola will be increased to 3 million square dm and 7.5 million by the end of 2025.

Mart did not disclose the amount that the company plans to invest in capacity building, but clarified that Technotech will develop through reinvestment of its own funds and preferences for IT companies from the state. The latest data on Technotech's revenue was published for 2018. Then it amounted to 490.6 million rubles (RAS) with a net profit of 9 million rubles. The company refused to disclose current financial indicators.

The interviewed experts do not give estimates of the volume of necessary investments in capacity expansion. As a comparable example, Alexey Boyko, an analyst and author of the rusmicro Telegram channel, cited the plant of NPP Itelma, which planned to invest about 2 billion rubles in the production of printed circuit boards with a capacity of 15 million square dm per year until 2026.

Boyko estimates the consumption of printed circuit boards in Russia at the level of 200-300 million square dm per year. "The bulk is purchased in China and in some other foreign countries," he explains. "Russian manufacturers provided about 10-12% of demand in the domestic market in 2023."

According to the PCB Consortium, which is relevant at the end of 2023, the annual output of printed circuit boards in Russia is 26.6 million square dm. According to Vladimir Semenov, CEO of the consortium, in the context of the civilian market, in particular computer technology, the consumption of printed circuit boards by 2025 will reach 60 million square dm only in the b2b and b2g segments. "At the same time, the deduction is about 3% in pieces of the entire market of civilian electronic products in the country," he noted.










































Source: KEPT (consulting company within KPMG chain). 

According to Mart, the main incentive for the development of Russian production of circuit boards was the sanctions imposed in 2022 against domestic companies. The increase in capacity will allow meeting the increased needs of the market and setting up production of more complex products at Russian enterprises, the top manager noted.

In accordance with the point system for determining the "Russianness" of electronics of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, since 2024, equipment is not considered domestic if foreign boards are used in its production. At the end of 2023, Kommersant reported that the Ministry of Industry and Trade expects to increase the production capacity of suppliers of printed circuit boards by 25% by 2025. 

The main difficulties in the production of high–precision boards are related to materials," Boyko believes. – For the production of high-quality boards, we need consistently high-quality foiled textolite, high-quality foil, and other materials." According to him, not all enterprises in Russia have modern high-quality equipment for the production of boards with a large number of layers with high accuracy. "The personnel problem of having technologists is acute," the analyst continued. – The problem of quality control remains traditional: customers face insufficient quality even when purchasing from industry leaders. As a result, the most complex products, as a rule, are still ordered abroad."

Technotech plans to develop domestic chemical solutions necessary for the manufacture of printed circuit boards, Mart noted. "Two solutions have already been introduced into their own processes and have completely replaced foreign analogues," he said. – The company plans to offer its own developments to other Russian manufacturers of printed circuit boards."

In addition to Technotech, Resonit and Electroconnect are major manufacturers of circuit boards in Russia. According to Boyko, GS Group, Yadro and Itelma production facilities may be added to these companies in the coming years. In addition, Beshtau, ICL and a number of other manufacturers announced their plans to launch production of boards or increase capacity in 2023.

"Today, many enterprises in the industry are still working according to GOST standards of 1979, in which there are no requirements for printed circuit boards above the third accuracy class, outdated materials, technologies, and tests are indicated. GOST requires full updating, taking into account the current level of technology development," Semenov insists. The issue of the applicability of tax benefits for manufacturers of non-mounted printed circuit boards remains unresolved due to the absence of separate OKVED codes (the all-Russian classifier of types of economic activity) and OKPD2 (the all-Russian classifier of products by types of economic activity).

Source: https://www.vedomosti.ru/technology/articles/2024/04/03/1029516-tehnoteh-nameren-vchetvero-uvelichit-vipusk-pechatnih-plat?utm_campaign=newspaper_3_4_2024&utm_medium=email&utm_source=vedomosti