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Competition among large Russian cosmetics chains intensifies
Source:Vedomosti From:Taiwan Trade Center, Moscow Update Time:2024/05/13

Revenue of the Golden Apple cosmetics and perfumery retail chain according to RAS in 2023 increased by 52% to 93.4 billion rubles, according to SPARK-Interfax. The company associated such dynamics with the development of e-commerce (promotion and sale of goods via the Internet), its representative told Vedomosti. If in 2022 the network's share in the online perfumery and cosmetics market was 37%, then in 2023 it increased to 50%, the source said. In addition, the chain has increased the number of stores over the year (from 30 to 34).

According to Infoline Analytics, Magnit Cosmetics remains the leader of the segment, which falls into the broader category of cosmetics and cosmetics, as it also works with personal care products and household chemicals. The revenue of Magnit Cosmetics in 2023 reached 200.7 billion rubles without VAT. L'Etoile, taking into account the Podruzhka network owned by it (Alcor & Co. LLC and Taber Trade LLC; they sell cosmetics and perfumes), earned a total of 104.2 billion rubles last year, according to SPARK-Interfax.

The Alcor & Co Group of Companies increased the number of L'Etoile stores by 42 new locations (five regional warehouses were also added), the total number was more than 1,000, and Podruzhka increased its presence from 312 stores in 2022 to 528 in 2023, a representative of the chains said. According to him, the average check in L'Etoile amounted to 2,932 rubles, and in the Podruzhka network – 741 rubles. In 2024, the group plans to open more than 100 L'Etoile and Podruzhka stores in Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Belarus. Investments in one of the points will amount from 100 million to 300 million rubles. The company's representative predicts revenue growth of more than 30% in 2024.

Alcor and Co. are followed by Ulybka Radugi (translation: Smile of the Rainbow) with revenue of 36 billion rubles, Rive Gauche and Il de Bote with 35 billion and 8.5 billion rubles, respectively (against 36 billion and 6.1 billion rubles in 2022).

in billions of rubles without VAT

Company Name 



Magnit Cosmetic



Wildberries (cosmetics, drogery)



L’Etual, Podruzhka (the same owner)



Golden Apple






Ulybka Radugi



Rive Gauche, Rivoli



Yandex Market



Ile de Beaute



Yves Rocher



Source: Infoline

If multicategory marketplaces are also taken into account in the rating, then, according to Infoline analytics, Wildberries will occupy the second place in the cosmetics and drogery segment (turnover in this category is 166.8 billion rubles), Ozon - the fifth (80.4 billion rubles), Yandex Market – the eighth (11.2 billion rubles According to Infoline Analytics, the cosmetics, perfumes and care products market (excluding household chemicals) grew by more than 17% in 2023 and exceeded 950 billion rubles including VAT. At the same time, online sales, including pickup, increased by more than 44% and amounted to about 420 billion rubles including VAT.

The active growth of online sales of cosmetics and perfumes is due to a number of factors that allow the buyer to plan the purchase most effectively: from the ability to compare prices and assortment at different points of sale to choosing optimal delivery conditions (express delivery, pickup, coordination of order receipt time, etc.), says the director of the company's growth and sales strategy practice Reksoft Consulting Kirill Malyshev. At the moment, online shopping is no longer just "one of the" convenient ways to purchase a cosmetic product, but perhaps the most preferable, he believes.

In general, for the cosmetics and cosmetics segment, the growth drivers were inflationary processes associated with the rise in the cost of logistics and the weakening of the ruble, as well as the restoration of consumer activity, says Mikhail Burmistrov, CEO of Infoline Analytics.

Source: https://www.vedomosti.ru/business/articles/2024/04/16/1032018-v-segmente-kosmetiki-obostryaetsya-konkurentsiya?utm_campaign=newspaper_16_4_2024&utm_medium=email&utm_source=vedomosti