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The market for DIY goods in Russia exceeded 6.8 trillion rubles in 2023
Source:RBC From:Taiwan Trade Center, Moscow Update Time:2024/07/02

According to the results of 2023, the Russian market of goods DIY grew by 14% compared to the previous year and amounted to 6.8 trillion rubles, according to INFOline analysis agency. The growth rate was almost double the average for the past five years (the average annual growth rate from 2018 to 2023 was just over 8%). In the future, experts predict even stronger dynamics - in the next five years, the DIY-trade market will grow more than twice, to 14.7 trillion rubles. 

DIY is a trade segment that includes building materials and, in a broad sense, household goods: from doors, fittings and boards to dishes, bed linen and garden decor. The top three in terms of revenue from DIY online sales (excluding VAT), according to INFOline calculations, are: 

VseInstrumenti.ru - 126.3 billion rubles. revenue (growth by 56% per year);
STD "Petrovich" - 63.1 billion rubles. revenue (growth by 9%);
 Leroy Merlin — RUB 59.5 billion. revenue (24% growth).

It is noteworthy that VseInstrumenti.ru is a company, which has 97% of sales on-line. The company’s revenue (online and offline) grew by 54% over the year to 132.8 billion rubles. While market growth was 14%. 

INFOline analysts note that in the DIY segment, the share of online commerce is traditionally lower than in other categories, but at the same time it is growing faster and has a serious growth potential due to further digitalization of trade, development of convenient delivery services, transition to the sale of apartments with finishing, the development of production against the background of import substitution, the introduction of logistics facilities, the growth of residential and non-residential construction and so on. 

In the future, by 2028, the share of online sales in this market may grow from 33 to 56% in the b2c segment and from 6 to 13% in the b2b segment, the authors of the study note. For his part, Oleg Bezumov, Financial Director of «Tools.ru» said that the company intends to strengthen its position in the b2b-segment. «Besides, despite the fact that our DIY-network is the largest in Russia, we aim to further strengthen the presence in the regions through the opening of new distribution points and the development of logistics infrastructure», - added Bezumov. 

Experts of INFOline also noted the increasing role of b2b-sales. Although the share of revenue is still below b2c (in the ratio of 45% to 55%), it shows higher growth dynamics. Another trend is the consolidation of market players. Currently, the top 3 players account for about 15% of the DIY segment, while in foreign countries the three largest networks occupy on average about half of their markets. 

Source: https://www.rbc.ru/industries/news/665047d19a794766ab7a1515?from=industries_main_leftcolumn_2