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University of Warsaw rated as best Polish university
Source:www.pulshr.pl/ From:Taiwan Trade Center, Warsaw Update Time:2024/07/26

The University of Warsaw has been named the best Polish public university in the latest ranking by the Perspektywy Foundation. Along with it, the Jagiellonian University in Krakow and the Warsaw University of Technology are considered the three best public universities in the 25th Perspektywy 2024 University Ranking. The AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków took fourth place.

In the ranking of the best private universities, the Kozminski University in Warsaw took first place on the podium for the 25th time. However, it was ranked outside the top ten among all universities in Poland.

The most important recipients of our Ranking are high school graduates, said Waldemar Siwiński, founder of the Perspektywy Foundation, creator of Polish educational rankings. "We want to make it easier for young people to choose their field of study and university."

According to him, the ranking is also a kind of "photograph" of Polish universities, taken from a non-random angle. Such evaluation helps determine where the schools are, what the schools should improve, what the schools should pay special attention to in the coming years, he added.

In the group of vocational universities, the winner was the University of Kalisz. The best technical university was the Warsaw University of Technology, followed by the AGH University of Science and Technology. The Academy of Physical Education in Katowice won the group of physical education academies. Among economic universities, the first place was taken by the Warsaw School of Economics. The best agricultural universities in 2024 went to the Wrocław University of Environmental and Life Sciences, while the best technical university was the Warsaw University of Technology.

Source: https://www.pulshr.pl/edukacja/uniwersytet-warszawski-najlepsza-polska-uczelnia,106033.html?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=wnp26-06-2024