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The Russian market for secure software development solutions could grow 6 times in 4 years
Source:Vedomosti From:Taiwan Trade Center, Moscow Update Time:2024/09/27

The Russian market for secure software development solutions will grow to RUB 17.75 billion by 2027. This is the most conservative estimate cited in a study by the Center for Strategic Research (CSR), which Vedomosti has reviewed. According to CSR experts, the most modest scenario for the development of the Russian secure software development market envisages an almost twofold increase in its volume by 2027 relative to the 2023 level, and the most optimistic one – a sixfold increase to RUB 56 billion. In 2022, the market was about RUB 8.25 billion, and in 2023 it exceeded RUB 9.5 billion.

Tools for secure software development include static code analysis, dynamic analysis, external library and dependency analysis tools, and a number of other solutions, explained the CSR representative. In Russia, Positive Technologies, Swordfish Security, and Jet Infosystems are developing such products. Vedomosti sent inquiries to these companies.

Secure development is an approach in which vulnerabilities that can be exploited by hackers after the product becomes available to users are identified at the stage of writing, testing and operating software, explains Alexey Antonov, Director of Business Development for Secure Development at Positive Technologies.

"As an analogy, we can use the assembly of cars. There is a conveyor where they assemble the car frame, engine, suspension, interior, doors and glass, etc. At each stage of assembly, both the functionality and safety of all elements of the future car are checked. The task of safe development is similar - to establish whether there are defects and vulnerabilities in the code, external libraries, whether the infrastructure is configured correctly. And to eliminate all the weak points found," Antonov explained figuratively.

Such solutions reduce the likelihood of cyber threats and vulnerabilities in the software being developed at the development stage, as well as after its launch, confirms Igor Beder, Head of the Investigation Department at T.Hunter and expert on the NTI SafeNet market. For many years, development has not focused on security issues, says the expert. “Today, the fact of security – the absence of vulnerabilities – is becoming the same criterion for software quality as its functionality. All IT companies with mature development are already implementing AppSec (secure development) tools in the product creation process, regardless of the industry and scale of their own business. Among the users of our secure development tools are large tech giants and banks, as well as developers, retailers, and retail trade,” he listed. 

Assessment of the annual growth of the Russian secure software development market in billions rubles (with forecast)















Value in billion rubles 




















Difference in %













Source: Center of Strategic Research   

A number of software for the public sector are being developed with the requirement for mandatory use of secure development, Bederov added.

In November 2023, MTS RED, a subsidiary of MTS that develops information security solutions, published its study of the secure development market. The company calculated that the volume of the domestic market in 2023 reached 4.2 billion rubles, and by 2027 it will amount to almost 20 billion rubles. Antonov also noted the dynamic growth in demand for such solutions, but did not provide specific market indicators.

"According to Positive Technologies, exploitation of vulnerabilities, including those in web applications, has been one of the three most popular methods of attacking organizations for five years. This trend encourages companies that develop web resources themselves or with the help of contractors to implement secure development tools in order to minimize the number of vulnerabilities in their products," Antonov noted. "In addition, the large number of vendors that are currently creating alternatives to foreign products from scratch are aware of the high risks of cyberattacks and initially include security principles in the development pipeline. Today, IT companies understand that it is more profitable to eliminate vulnerabilities at the early stages of solution development than to deal with the consequences of attacks later."

The CSR predicts that the dynamics of the secure development market will be comparable to the growth of the entire volume of domestic software development. Earlier, the CSR estimated the Russian cybersecurity market as a whole based on the results of 2022 at 193.3 billion rubles and predicted that by 2027 its volume would grow almost 3 times and amount to 559 billion rubles.

"In our study, we rely on relatively cautious estimates based on an analysis of open sources and a direct survey of experts - representatives of the main players in the industry. According to our estimates, the combined average annual growth rate of the Russian secure development market varies from 12.5 to 37.5%, the weighted average is 24.7%. This figure is comparable with the estimate of the average annual growth rate of this segment of the world market - 22%," said Ekaterina Kvasha, Deputy Director General of the CSR.

Source: https://www.vedomosti.ru/technology/articles/2024/08/30/1058904-rinok-reshenii-dlya-bezopasnoi-razrabotki-softa-mozhet-virasti?utm_campaign=newspaper_30_8_2024&utm_medium=email&utm_source=vedomosti