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Czech startup uses mycelium to replace disposable plastics
Source:prumyslovaekologie.cz/info/zazrak-z-jizni-moravy-myco-dokaze-nahradit-polystyren-i-preklizku From:Taiwan Trade Center, Warsaw Update Time:2023/09/14

How do we replace disposable plastics? That's the question companies all over the world are asking themselves. South Moravian startup myco offers a solution.  Material mycelium - an ecological material from the undergrowth, which can replace polystyrene or perhaps chipboard in the construction industry. 

Mycelium is a dense network of fine fibers that form the undergrowth of fungi. They are used to obtain water and nutrients from the surrounding environment. It is also very durable and adaptable. It can even grow in adverse conditions. Their basis of the material they produce is always waste raw material. For example, sawdust, waste paper, textiles or even hemp stalks.

Example of usage are odor fences. These are used along roads in sections with a frequent presence of game.  "But the problem is polyurethane. It is non-degradable and toxic to the environment. It is made from petroleum derivatives and is difficult to dispose of. In addition, its production is highly energy-intensive," explained the founder David Šohaj Minařík. 

This is also why myco launched a new product on the market — carriers of odor concentrates from mycelium, whose ability to absorb the concentrate is equal to or even better than the currently used, ecologically unsustainable solutions. 

In addition to odor barriers, myco makes, for example, packaging material from the waste from the fungus. It can fully replace polystyrene. It is strong and flexible and, unlike polystyrene, it is 100% degradable, so it does not harm nature. On the contrary, it can serve as a fertilizer. 

Mycelium also has many uses in the construction industry. If we use fine beech sawdust, the mycelium will create a fairly solid material that could have properties very similar to plywood.

Source: https://www.prumyslovaekologie.cz/info/zazrak-z-jizni-moravy-myco-dokaze-nahradit-polystyren-i-preklizku