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Festival launches ESG practices plan unprecedented in Espírito Santo’s cultural industry
Source:Coluna ESG From:Taiwan Trade Center Do Brasil Update Time:2024/09/25

In the wake of other major national and international music and sporting events where the ESG agenda has been implemented and debated, the Movimento Cidade Festival (MC) will launch an unprecedented and robust plan for its 2024 edition in the cultural industry of Espírito Santo. It's the "Cities are people" label, already being implemented for the edition from August 16 to 18, completely free of charge at Prainha Park in Vila Velha.

The seal of quality is part of MC's Social Responsibility Policy, created to guarantee the adoption of best practices in sustainability, safety, and well-being. “The seal puts people at the center of policies and actions, creating an environment where everyone can be their best version. As well as improving the MC Festival experience, this is a practical guide committed to building a better world where human dignity, sustainability, and culture are priorities,” says Luísa Costa, the project's managing partner. 

During the MC Festival, suppliers are instructed to use recycled or recyclable materials and select local products and partners while at the same time promoting accessibility and inclusion, reducing waste, and promoting correct waste disposal. The organization also bans the use of plastic and disposable bags.

They advocate reusable cups and encourage attendees to bring their cups or purchase the event cup, a way for the public to embark on a culture of conscious and sustainable consumption. In addition, every gram of waste produced by the festival generates income and opportunities for partnerships with the Association of Waste Pickers of the Municipality of Vila Velha (Revive) and the Vila Velha City Hall.

The segregation of recyclable waste will be done in the bars, which will be effective in the collection, storage, and correct disposal of waste. This activity does not depend on the public but is a responsibility of the Festival.

The Movimento Cidade Festival also brings together professionals to ensure that people with disabilities or who need specialized support can enjoy the program in comfort and safety. For the sixth edition, consultants Rosilda Maria Dias, a consultant on safety and accessibility standards for public and private events, and Celia Regina Fontes, a social worker and instructor in personal development training, have been invited.

A donation of 1 kg of food is required at the entrance. The money raised is donated to communities in Vila Velha and Prainha, reinforcing the movement's commitment to social responsibility and building a fairer and more equal city.

Source: https://www.folhavitoria.com.br/colunas/esg/artigos/2024/08/12/festival-movimento-cidade-lanca-plano-de-esg-inedito-na-industria-cultural-do-espirito-santo/