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Online advertising investment expected to reach record high in Czechia
Source:cesky.radio.cz From:Taiwan Trade Center, Warsaw Update Time:2023/05/09

Spending on online advertising reached a record level of almost CZK 57 billion (USD 2.67 billion) in Czechia in 2022, according to the latest report by the Association for Internet Development. It is expected to grow another seven percent in 2023, the report showed.

The biggest increase last year was so-called display advertising, which mainly includes banners on websites, social networks, and Internet applications, the Association said, adding that advertisers used radio advertising slightly more than in the pre-COVID period (+1.3%). Investments in the segment of food retail, e-shops and finance grew the most in 2022, while we saw a decline in automotive, construction and real estate segments.

The largest part of advertising expenditure is accounted for by display advertising /CZK 40 billion/. This also includes advertising in content networks used especially large principal research providers such are: Seznam, Sklik, Google Ads, Facebook /RTB in the form of trade advertising and native advertising. The 2nd most used form of advertising after being a search advertising in which advertisers have invested around 16 billion CZK in real prices. 

The share of mobile display advertising (mobile and mobile-targeted advertising) in total display advertising was 44% (CZK 17.7 billion), grew by 21% year-on-year and is estimated to grow by 11% this year.

Programmatic advertising, which concerns space in advertising content networks and the RTB sales method, together accounted for 71% of the entire display ad (CZK 28.5 billion) and grew by 35% year-on-year. The estimate for this year is growth of 11%. The programmatic display includes the advertising performance of content networks (such as Seznam Sklik, Google Ads, Facebook, Instagram and others) as well as the performance of advertising through DSP/SSP systems.

"It is positive to see that even in times of global economic recession, the Internet is thriving as an advertising channel. At the same time, it is logical, because the online environment offers the most accurate targeting of advertising campaigns, the immediate possibility of their optimization and an overview of the effectiveness of spending funds in real time," commented Michal Hanák, Chairman of the SPIR Executive Board.

Source: https://cesky.radio.cz/penize-investovane-do-internetove-reklamy-dosahly-loni-v-cesku-rekordniho-8780491