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Angola and Zambia Sign ICT Cooperation Agreement
Source:Space in Africa From:Angola Update Time:2024/01/05

According to the Angolan Press Agency, the Angolan Minister of Telecommunications, Information Technology and Social Communication (MINTTICS), Mário de Oliveira, and the Zambian Minister of Science and Technology, Felix Mutati, signed a memorandum of understanding to further information technology cooperation between both countries, on the sidelines of the 3rd edition of Angola’s International Information and Communication Technology Forum (ANGOTIC 2023). The forum is organized by MINTTICS and aims to facilitate discussions on current and future ICT matters at a global level.

The agreement is in line with the ambition of both countries to accelerate the development of their respective ICT industries for digital transformation. The MoU will enhance cooperation in areas such as digital transformation, AI, space technology and establishing direct cross-border optical fibre backbone connectivity between the two countries, which is scheduled to happen this month. In addition, other main goals of the agreement include Zambia’s space ambition to build on Angola’s space experience to set up its space program, staff training, and knowledge exchange.

“We are very interested in connecting to Zambia via fibre optics. We are connected to the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and Namibia. Within a month, we will be connected to Congo Brazzaville from the northern border of Cabinda,” said Mário de Oliveira.

Mr Felix Mutati further mentioned that the agreement reflects the intent of both countries to use ICT to drive economic growth, foster innovation, and improve the lives of their citizens. This collaboration is expected to help improve the regulation of the Angolan and Zambian telecom markets, ensuring sound operational frameworks for telecom operators, and will lead to improved coverage and quality of ICT services provided in both countries.

Source: https://africanews.space/angola-and-zambia-sign-ict-cooperation-agreement/