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MeitY forms working groups to devise rules for IoT, mobile and data safety in India
Source:VARINDIA From:Taipei World Trade Center Liaison Office in New Delhi Update Time:2024/05/17

The government has reportedly formed five working groups to study and formulate guidelines for anonymisation of data, zero trust architecture, IoT devices, mobile device security and digital education. These working groups have been set up under the ministry of electronics and information technology and will look to develop guidelines and frameworks for effective and efficient implementation of e-governance projects of ministries and government departments.

Additionally, existing guidelines for mobile security and online learning systems will be revised to reflect advancements in technology.

The Ministry of Information Technology (MeitY) is reportedly actively working alongside all relevant ministries for the project. According to ministry officials, the idea of proactive approach ensures they stay ahead of potential challenges by anticipating them and developing solutions before they arise.

Reports on data anonymization and mobile security guidelines are meanwhile undergoing review, while the work continues on crafting guidelines for zero-trust architecture, online exams, and IoT devices. These efforts will ultimately contribute to an updated India Digital System Architecture, a project whose initial draft was released in 2022 for public feedback.

Depending on the suggestions of the working groups, the government is likely to retain the function of designing, developing and managing core blocks of these technologies and sectors, while allowing the development of apps and services on top of them.

Roadmap highlights from MeitY:

The roadmap comprehensively covers hardware level security, network level security and application-level security aspects. In the draft roadmap, the following are the key focus areas (but are not limited to) in IoT security at national level:

Short Term:

In the next 5 years, the roadmap suggests to work on eSIM Cellular-IoT, IoT Device Certificate Lifecycle Management, IoT Identification, Lightweight Cryptography, IoT Network Security Orchestration and Automation, oneM2M, MLOps and Decentralized AI/ML pipelines, Blockchain assisted IoT Security, New Chip design and Standards, Artificial Intelligence of Things (AIoT), AI Enabled Privacy and Data Protection, Self-Adapting Intrusion Detection System, IoT and IoTA Tangle Distributed Ledger, 5G and IoT, Enhancement in the Automotive Security, PQC Enabled IoT System, Low-power Quantum Random Number Generator (QRNG).

Mid Term (15 years):

5G and 6G Transition Security, AI Enabled Botnet detection and DNS ecosystem, Automotive supply chain attacks – Risk mitigation techniques, Self-sufficient Intelligent Network (AI), Satellite Connectivity, RISC-V based Secure SoC for IoT, Digital Twin.

Long term (25 years):

Secure IoT Network through QKD and SDN, Federated Machine Learning and Swarm Learning, Self-aware IoT Protocols and its Security, Low power PQC, Low power to No power cryptography algorithm for IoT, Deterministic Response for IIoT and Automotives, Zero Knowledge Proof.

Source: https://www.varindia.com/news/meity-forms-working-groups-to-devise-rules-for-iot-mobile-and-data-safety