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Czechia’s new software to help better diagnose dysgraphia
Source:novinky.cz/clanek/veda-skoly-software-brnenskych-vedcu-pomuze-presne-diagnostikovat-dysgrafii-u-deti-40477291 From:Taiwan Trade Center, Warsaw Update Time:2024/07/24

Psychologists from Brno in Czechia, in collaboration with IT experts from the Brno University of Technology, created the new DiaGraMo software, which could help determine whether a child suffers from dysgraphia, i.e. a learning disability associated with written expression, according to a recent media report. 

The program can determine how extensive the dysgraphia problem is, Novinky.cz reported. Developmental dysgraphia, professionally referred to as a specific learning disability with impaired written expression, manifests itself as a fine motor disorder that is reflected in writing. For example, the child has difficulties with the smooth running of the line, with the shapes of the letters or with the organization of the text on the page.

"This often leads to illegible handwriting and a lot of effort involved in writing. In addition, the child may experience feelings of inferiority, impaired self-esteem, and the child may be incorrectly perceived by those around him as being lazy," Katarína Zvončáková from the Institute of Psychology of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic said.

The institute's employees participated in the creation of the software together with IT experts from the Brno University of Technology (VUT) and developers from Propsyco.

Until now, the diagnosis of dysgraphia was based on the subjective assessment of practitioners. The newly created DiaGraMo software uses the child's handwriting recording. The expert will then offer a detailed assessment. The program can also notice small things such as the speed of writing or distinguishing the size of letters.

The software evaluates the severity of symptoms and also monitors the gradual progress of the child.

"The newly developed method can be a useful addition to current diagnostics. It will better enable us to set up the necessary support for pupils with dysgraphia," said psychologist Vladimíra Šmídková from the Regional Pedagogic-Psychological Counseling Center in Zlín.

Source: https://www.novinky.cz/clanek/veda-skoly-software-brnenskych-vedcu-pomuze-presne-diagnostikovat-dysgrafii-u-deti-40477291