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Exciting developments in satellite technology
Source:3GPP NTN standards selected as Satellite Technology of the year. The Critical Communications Review. (2024, March 22). ; Borrill, J. (2024, August 14). Industry First Non-Terrestrial Network NB-IOT Testcase. EE Times. From:Taiwan Trade Center, Chicago Update Time:2024/08/29
Satellite Technology

The technology industry has been evolving faster than ever, especially in the realm of wireless connectivity and 5G networks. The previous and current cellular standards (2G, 3G, 4G) and short-range standards (Blue-tooth) have been used to track and monitor devices, however the device needed to be within wireless communication ranges. Which limits the “deployment of wireless IoT to areas of established wireless coverage” (Borill, 2024). The most recent developments have come as a result of collaborations between the satellite industry and mobile industry by using non-terrestrial networks (NTN). These “satellite networks’ global coverage capabilities together with the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) -based cellular networks offer standardized and inter-operable connectivity” (Borrill, 2024). The 3GPP is a group of organizations that develop protocols for mobile telecommunications. 

There are new generations of chipsets that are being manufactured, and testing the new chips has proved some performance challenges of using satellite networks. The long distance between the satellites and earth requires IoT devices to have an enhanced receiver sensitivity to detect the signals from the satellites. The main concern with using the satellite networks would be with improving the device itself and the chipsets that are installed in the device so the signal can be detected. The performance of devices will need to continue being tested and verified before being ready for commercial use. 

A few of the largest telecommunication companies, Sony and Anritsu are collaborating on the development of an “efficient laboratory test bench”, where they will test the performance of NTN-IoT devices to verify the receiver (RF) sensitivity, connection stability, and throughput data (Borrill, 2024). Engineers used the MT8821C network simulator to conduct their tests. This network simulator provides a repeatable test bench which can be used to evaluate new designs and verify that new devices can meet the requirements set by the Satellite Network Operators to be accepted into existing networks. 

This new development and the value of the satellite use in 5G technology is significant. It could increase accessibility and provide coverage to areas that currently difficult to reach. This mix of technology would increase and facilitate full “interoperability between satellite and terrestrial networks, including mobility procedures, allowing for seamless connectivity between mass-market smartphones, IoT devices, and both terrestrial and NTN-based satellite networks when terrestrial connectivity is not available” (“3GPP NTN Standards”, 2024). The new NTN standards ensure connectivity accessibility to everyone all over the world. The 3GPP’s NTN standard is expected to be completed in upcoming months. Experts expect to see the role of satellites to expand and become a central role in global communication technology for the future to come.

Source: https://www.criticalcommunicationsreview.com/ccr/news/113053/3gpp-ntn-standards-selected-as-satellite-technology-of-the-year ; https://www.eetimes.com/industry-first-non-terrestrial-network-nb-iot-testcase/