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Poland mulls on nuclear power development with US, South Korea
Source:biznes From:Taiwan Trade Center, Warsaw Update Time:2022/12/08

Polska Grupa Energetyczna (Polish Energy Group, PGE) together with ZE PAK company, have recently signed a letter of intent in Seoul with the South Korea's KHNP, regarding the construction of a second nuclear power plant in Poland. Earlier, the information that the American company Westinghouse is to be the contractor for the first nuclear power plant project in Poland was published as well.

In Korea, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of State Assets Jacek Sasin represented not so much the Polish government as domestic business and state-owned companies. Also, the letter of intent signals only the willingness to cooperate, not a commitment.

Possible nuclear power cooperation with the Koreans complements the recently developed dynamic cooperation in the defense and food sectors. KHNP also reportedly proposed the most advantageous financial offer and technology transfer, which in turn is not offered by the Americans. KHNP also proposed a capital commitment of 49% in a company dedicated to the construction of the power plant.

Cooperation with Seoul is not well received by the US, because in their opinion Korean technology is based on American patented solutions. Thus, from the US perspective, the technology cannot be exported outside of Korea as it would violate regulations, according to David Durham, president of Energy Systems at Westinghouse.

According to the assumptions of the Polish Nuclear Power Program, the construction of 6-9 GWe of installed nuclear power was originally planned. But if both investments are completed, the power of the Polish nuclear power plant could amount to 8.8 - 11.8 GWe (electric gigawatts). The construction cost of both plants may reach approximately USD 40,3 billion. There is also unofficial talk about the possibility of including another interested party in the PPEJ project, the French company EDF. The plant may be built in Bełchatów (currently the location of the largest lignite-fired power plant in Europe), but this is still far from being confirmed even on the level of official intent.

While PGE is a state-owned energy company, ZE PAK is privately owned by one of the richest Poles, Zbigniew Solorz. The company has been vocal about their involvement in green energy investments, the example being the announcement regarding the introduction of a small nuclear plant in SMR technology. Currently, the plans for the development of Polish nuclear energy are supported by 86% of the population as an alternative to expensive and polluting energy from fossil fuels.

Source: https://biznes.trojmiasto.pl/Elektrownia-jadrowa-na-Pomorzu-powstanie-z-Amerykanami-n172169.html
