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Poland’s ’My Electricity’ 5.0 incentive program solicits huge applications
Source:portalsamorzadowy From:Taiwan Trade Center, Warsaw Update Time:2023/06/07
credit: pixabay

Poland's fifth edition of "My Electricity" program started on April 22, and within a month, there have been more than 10,000 applications submitted at a total amount of over PLN 81 million (about EUR 18 million), about 500 grant applications submitted daily.

The total budget of the My Electricity 5.0 program is PLN 955 million, and the call for applications will last until December 22, 2023, or until the funds run out.

The program has been extended to include co-financing for the purchase of air and ground heat pumps and solar collectors for hot water. In all projects, the co-financing intensity is up to 50% of eligible costs, and the scope of cost eligibility is valid from February 1, 2020.

Since this is the fifth edition of the My Electricity program, it shows how great the interest of Poles in the assembly of photovoltaic installations is. In the four previous editions, applications were submitted by a total of almost 500,000 people for the amount of over PLN 2 billion, statistics showed.

"This shows that there is still great interest in the program and Poles want to assemble photovoltaic installations to produce electricity themselves," said Paweł Mirowski, vice president of the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management (NFOŚiGW). 

The estimated payback time of the photovoltaic installation is about 6.5 years, he added.

Only in these three provinces, did the number of submitted applications exceed 1,000. The leader is the province Wielkopolskie (1,175 submitted applications), followed by the province Śląskie (1,148 applications) and the province Masovian (1,006). 

The fewest applications were submitted in Lubuskie (171), Podlaskie (194), and Opolskie (242) voivodeships.

Source: https://www.portalsamorzadowy.pl/ochrona-srodowiska/polacy-znow-rzucili-sie-na-program-moj-prad,461941.html