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Charging stations for electric vehicles at Sofia Airport
Source:Taiwan Trade Center, Sofia From:Taiwan Trade Center, Sofia Update Time:2023/06/21

The concessionaire of Sofia Airport, “Sof Connect” is spearheading a green initiative to meet the growing demand for electric vehicles (EVs). To support this green transition, they are planning to install 22 new charging stations, augmenting the existing four stations already in operation within the airport premises. While the exact investment value remains unspecified, this undertaking reflects Sof Connect's commitment to fostering sustainable practices and promoting carbon neutrality by 2036.

In addition to the expansion of charging facilities, the airport management has identified three more prime locations where EV charging stations will be installed, including the VIP parking area within the terminal. To cater to the diverse needs of EV owners, the order includes the procurement of 16 22 kW AC charging stations and six powerful 180 kW DC charging stations. This comprehensive infrastructure upgrade is an important step towards facilitating the widespread adoption of electric vehicles and reducing the reliance on conventional fossil-fueled transportation.

By embracing electric mobility, Sofia Airport is aligning itself with global efforts to mitigate climate change and create a greener future. The transition to an all-electric vehicle fleet is a significant stride in realizing the airport's sustainability goals. Taking this leap forward, Sofia Airport is demonstrating its determination to become an exemplar in the industry, showcasing the possibilities of eco-friendly transportation.

To ensure the seamless integration of these charging stations, the airport will commence the necessary electrical infrastructure enhancements in December 2023.

Moreover, Sof Connect recently announced its intention to invest the sum of 150 million BGN by the end of 2025 in various projects aimed at meeting the airport's energy needs. Among these initiatives is the establishment of a photovoltaic park, which will harness the power of solar energy to generate clean electricity. This sustainable energy source will contribute to the airport's self-sufficiency and reinforce its position as a leader in environmental stewardship.